Q: Embedding
This looks interesting. After a demo online, I have some questions:
1. Can the design be customized somewhat? No offense, but it seems quite "olddish" and some CSS would help. Also, the CSS should be applied to each project individually.
2. The most essential thing for me here is integration, i.e., how can I integrate this best in my tool? I saw "embed project" but clicking on it just says "code generated" without any other hints were that code is. In short, a iFrame option to create a slider within my app would be preferred. Also, is there SSO or do all my user need to create an account in your tool?
Thanks for answering.

Dec 23, 2024A: Hello and thanks for your inquiry! I'll answer these questions below:
1. Can the design be customized somewhat? No offense, but it seems quite "olddish" and some CSS would help. Also, the CSS should be applied to each project individually.
No problem, and yes the design can be customized to a point. Colors for the headers in the Feature Voting panel, and for each Task Group can be set to whatever you need, as can the icons you apply to each task group. You can also edit the overall CSS in the Settings section to make additional changes on a "per project" basis.
2. The most essential thing for me here is integration, i.e., how can I integrate this best in my tool? I saw "embed project" but clicking on it just says "code generated" without any other hints were that code is. In short, a iFrame option to create a slider within my app would be preferred.
This is indeed generating a basic iframe to use as needed when embedding the project anywhere you like. For example, we have one user who has embedded a project directly into their Shopify App, allowing users to see their roadmap directly in the Shopify App's dashboard vs. going to a separate page. The iFrame code that is generated is very basic (by design) as to let you customize it as needed within the environment you'd like to embed the project in. Each situation is different of course, but we'd be happy to help you embed a project within a slider for your project.
Also, is there SSO or do all my user need to create an account in your tool?
Yes there is SSO with Gmail and Facebook. You can see this by clicking "Login" on our demo, which I what your customers would also see: https://pathpro.app.pathpro.co
Hope this helps clarify!
Also, is there SSO or do all my user need to create an account in your tool?