Pismo - Plus Exclusive Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 259 questions

Q: Hi,Can I use for create 100 topic with 8 keywords by 1 target audience market eg. Canada market?

And do you have more example about telegram? I see integrate telegram,what is it for?


d625846d7c2245f586ea028867668479PLUSEdited Dec 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Dec 23, 2024

A: Good day!

While Pismo has functionalities similar to GPT, it is specifically designed for working with existing text, such as translation and rewriting. That said, feel free to experiment with different prompts—if ChatGPT can handle it, Pismo can too.

Regarding your second question, Pismo works globally with all your text apps, including messengers like Telegram.


Q: Future growth

Hi. Your FAQ states that you currently have 61 paying customers bringing in $450 a month.

You have funding from 3Fventures but it's not clear how much.

Given the low number of subscribers after 9 years of trading, how do you intend to grow your business once the Appsumo LTD money dries out?

TzutzPLUSDec 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Dec 19, 2024

A: This FAQ was written when we started our first promotion here. Now, we have more than 2000 paying customers (kudos to the AppSumo community).
3F Venture is a venture studio, and Pismo, which was released a little more than one year ago, is one of its products. We have a low burn rate, churn, and strong revenue numbers since September. So, there's no need to worry; our financial situation is...


Q: Queries


1. How is it a replacement for Grammarly? Can you please elaborate? As far as I understand, you don't even have a Chrome extension.

2. If I write in English, what language can I translate my content to? How is it different and similar to SubEasy.ai?

3. Do you plan to develop a plagiarism checker and AI detector?

4. How do you plan to include more models, and currently, which is your underlying LLM? The AI field is rapidly evolving, so how will you sustain and honor LTD?


VK_2018PLUSDec 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Dec 19, 2024

A: 1. Pismo is standalone software that works across all applications, including browsers, email apps, and text editors. You don't need to install any extensions for each application – it works instantly everywhere.

Both Pismo and Grammarly help users create well-written, error-free text, but they take different approaches. It's up to the user to decide which one best fits their needs.

I can...


Q: How many PC's can I install/run this on simultaneously?

How many PC's can I install/run this on simultaneously?

AppSumoAddict76502PLUSDec 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Dec 19, 2024

A: You can use Pismo on all your devices; it isn't limited to one specific device. Please note that each account is intended for use by a single individual. Sharing, sublicensing, or reselling accounts is strictly prohibited.


Q: Non Plus Members?

Is this going to be opened up to non-plus members?


TMcDPLUSDec 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Dec 19, 2024

A: Unfortunately, this promotion is currently available exclusively for plus users. However, we are considering the possibility of bringing it back with an offer for everyone in the future. Stay tuned!
