
    Lifetime deal

    A feedback management, Surveys, Roadmap & Changelog tool

    Don't know which feature to prioritize? Don't go with your hunches.

    Make product decisions based on user feedback.

    ProductLogz simplifies the process of collecting & managing feedback with Feedback Boards & in app surveys. Keep users informed with Public Roadmaps & Changelogs

    Reward your users for their valuable input.

    By offering rewards and creating engaging experiences, ProductLogz bridges the feedback gap and encourages active participation.

    More feedback means a better product. ✌🏻


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    Make product decisions based on user feedback, not on hunches
    Reward your users for their valuable inputs as you gain new insights




    With ProductLogz, you can collect customer feedback in real-time, allowing you to capture insights when they are most relevant and accurate. Rule-based Micro-surveys allow you to collect feedback from customers when they are most active & on the platform.

    This immediacy ensures that you can access up-to-date information to drive decision-making and take timely action.

    Feedback Board

    Feature requests empower customers to have a voice in shaping the product according to their needs and preferences.

    Collect feature requests from your users, focus on the most sought-after features & incorporate them into your product development journey. Keep users in the loop with comments & notifications.

    Allocate resources effectively, ensuring that the product evolves in a direction that meets customer needs.

    Build & Share Public Roadmaps

    Keep your users informed about your future plans, gather feature ideas, and prioritize development based on customer needs and expectations.

    Sharing a product roadmap allows users to have a voice in the product development process.

    It fosters a sense of involvement and engagement, as they can see their feedback and requests being considered and prioritized.

    Reward users with in-app surveys

    Encourage and incentivize your users to provide valuable feedback on your product or service.

    By rewarding their input, you create a win-win situation, where users feel appreciated for sharing their thoughts while you gain valuable insights to improve your products or services.

    Incentivizing users through rewards will motivate users to actively participate, helping you to make data-driven decisions and drive continuous improvement.

    Communicate Product Updates with Changelog

    Keep your users in the loop about product and feature updates with ProductLogz Changelog software.

    Experience a user-friendly interface that supports complex formatting and linking posts and allows you to attach labels or tags for enhanced categorization.

    Transparently showcase your updates on a dedicated Public Changelog Page.

    Get lifetime access to ProductLogz today!

    From the founders

    ProductLogz V.2 with updated features

    Hey Sumolings!

    We are back with Produclogz version 2 with lots of new feature updates & exciting new features planned ahead!

    We heard you!

    And the last couple of weeks we were heads down developing & shipping the most demanded features- Workspace, sub-domain, custom domain along with other functionalities like the ability to add comments, add categories, sort by status, etc.,

    We also have some exciting features planned in the roadmap like changelog, notifications, integrations, etc., so do grab your deal now, & share your feedback.

    Read more

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