Projection Genie
Thinking about starting a business? Predict its chances of success with Projection Genie.
Where should you spend? Where can you save? These are the questions every aspiring entrepreneur asks when starting a new business but doesn't always know how to answer.
With Projection Genie and its innovative simulator, you can forecast the financial success of your business up to 5 years into the future. So while you prepare for launch, Projection Genie will help you tweak, scale, and project costs to build towards success.
How does it work?
Answer a list of curated questions and Projection Genie will automatically calculate & forecast nine of the top financial metrics that reveal how successful your business could be. Fine-tune your answers and see the impact of those changes.
- Automatic calculations
- 5 years of financial projections
- Use any currency from around the world
- Downloadable tables & charts
- Compare up to 4 scenarios side-by-side
- Unlimited revisions
50% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years. With Projection Genie, you can avoid being one of them.
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to Projection Genie Premium Plan
- You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
- All future Projection Genie Premium Plan updates
- Please note: This deal is not stackable
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it's right for you!