Qwil Messenger

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Q: Hello, I'm a current Qwil user and can't seem to find a feature request form anywhere.

We really need a way to change the date format.
It's currently set as day/month/year and we need a way to change it to month/day/year for U.S. users.

Thank you!

vitaliy0PLUSAug 16, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hello,

Replied to your support request asking for further information. It should adapt automatically linked to the settings on the computer / phone. If not, we will look at a solution.


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Aug 16, 2023

Found where to submit a feature request. Sending there. A reply anywhere would be greatly appreciated. A completed feature would be superb.

Posted: Aug 17, 2023


Replied to your support request asking for further information. It should adapt automatically linked to the settings on the computer / phone. If not, we will look at a solution.


Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 12, 2023

Where can I find the reply?
All I need is a basic update to the date format in the chats. Right now it's based on the European standard and we're US based.

Posted: Sep 13, 2023

Hi Vitality,

To your question:
All I need is a basic update to the date format in the chats. Right now it's based on the European standard and we're US based.

Answer: We are working on it as the data should have changed (like the time changes). It is indeed based on international standards with US switching day/month - we will put the name of month or change it. This will be in a release in the next month or so.


Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 18, 2023

Thank you very much and I look forward to it.