Q: 1) how can we get an option to create videos longer than 30 minutes like other platforms that you say you are an alternative to?
2) can we upload existing videos? This would be nice especially if we are moving from a different platform to yours
3) are we able to add clickable links or buttons to the videos we create? For example, at the end of the video the viewer can click a button to be sent to a different web page or even a booking page
A: Hello there! I'm happy to answer your questions below: 1) If you upgrade to and Enterprise account (stack two codes), I'd be happy to increase your recording time limit.
2) You can not upload existing videos.
3) You can not add clickable links or buttons to the videos you create.
For #2 and #3, I'll certainly add these feature requests to our backlog and we'll bump them up in priority if we hear from others that they'd like these features as well.
A: Hello there! Yes, this tool could absolutely be used to capture video testimonials. It would be very easy to send them a link that they can use to record a video directly from their browser (with no need to install anything!)
A: Hello! You can download your videos, but they download at the same resolution that they're recorded in, which is 720p. We are working on releasing a chrome extension that has the ability to create (and download) at 1080p. There is no timetable for that release yet, and we do not have a public roadmap, or a green screen feature.
Not at the moment. However, I can tell you that the two highest priority items on our roadmap are: - chrome extension with increased recording/editing capabilities - complete redesign
The chrome extension will be released in a matter of weeks, and the redesign likely about a month or two after that.
Hi Unless it is under a different name I see no Chrome extension yet.
Q: Hello,
I am wondering if I can use this for supporting my clients.
I want them to be able to use this while being logged in to our software, so they can record the screen and reach out support. Will they all need a login of their own? Will they be considered a seat? Because that will not work. I only need 3-4 seats for support but want to 100s of users. Does it matter what browser they use? If I iframe it into the dashboard, will they be still be able to record even if they navigate out of the current tab?
Yes, it sounds like RecordJoy will work for your needs! Anybody that you either send the link to, our that uses your embedded code will be able to create a recording and send to your RecordJoy dashboard. They do not need a RecordJoy account to do this either.
The only browser that we support at the moment is Chrome, so as long as they're using Chrome they will have no issues.
Thank you! I just purchased 2 codes and that should give me whitelabeling feature, right?
Q: Hi, is this still being actively developed and are you working full-time on this project?
I really want to buy this for multiple clients, this could be awesome but I'm worried as there are feature requests from a year ago that still haven't been addressed, there is no public roadmap and most responses from you seem to include "this is not high priority / not on our roadmap" etc.
If you're striving to build a serious competitor to Loom / Screencast-o-matic and others, you have to provide more than an MVP that's not updated for months.
Please: - Make a product that can be used by the 65% of the population in the US and Europe that use Apple/iPhone/Safari, as well as Firefox (at least for playing the videos). We can't force our clients to change browsers just because you don't support them.
- Check out your competitors and try to achieve feature parity with them, plus some extra features that they don't have. Otherwise, what's the point of your product. You clearly have great ideas - please implement them.
- Make a public roadmap and stick to it. Invest time to make your product great. There is definitely a market for a nice-looking, well-working, slick & efficient Loom alternative with deep white-labelling and better reliability. You can do it, I'm sure.
I will keep this bookmarked and a reminder set for a few weeks from now to revisit our purchase decision. I hope to see some updates and a better dynamic and then would be more than happy to invest in the future of this project by buying some codes.
Yes, this project is still being worked on. However, not full time.
In the next few weeks you can expect to see a lot of new changes, including: - a chrome extension that provides a much enhanced recording and editing experience - a complete redesign of the app home page, dashboard, share/view screens, etc.
I will work on publishing a public roadmap sometime soon for better clarity.
Thanks for your reply and happy to hear that you're still working on this.
Any chance of enabling 1080p or 4k recording? We did try it out but client feedback says the current 720p quality is just too low for our purposes, lots of artifacts, pixels etc. Important details are lost and if we present our work this way, it just looks like our work is shoddy and low quality...
We will buy it on the promise that this is going to get some major overhaul soon, but with 720p unfortunately, it will remain unusable for us.
Please consider Full HD or even 4k a priority, and enable it for sumolings at least with 2 stacked codes.
Thank you!
Q: Hello,
Can you help me to change the password please?
These is no option to change it. I sent an email few days a go but I have not got an answer. please help
Q: Do the video have transcript or closed caption?
Where will be the video stored? Can I download the videos on a different platform? Do you offer resulution more the 720p? Can you offer videos larger than 30 minutes?
Q: I would like to use this for my SaaS agency client support.
I see it can be white labeled but if its embedded will it work outside of the agency dashboard? I don't know how to stack so can you help please? I am ready to buy :) Thx
Yes, you can embed the code on any website you'd like and users will be able to simply click record and send their screen recordings directly to your account dashboard.
For stacking codes, you just need to purchase two codes and redeem them both here: https://www.recordjoy.com/appsumo
You can select to record your chrome browser, a specific desktop window, or thew entire desktop. You just need to use the chrome browser to select these options.
Q: Hello, how can I my teammates?
When you will implement a dashboard to manage clientjoy?, I don't like wait for your assistance always, sorry
One thing I love about Loom and Vumu for example, is the in-email preview with thumbnail. I use video for sales outreach, so the thumbnail is key in generating the curiosity that leads to the click-thru. I know you're not angling this as a sales outreach tool, so I would completely understand if some of that sales-centric functionality isn't available, but wanted to see if this preview/thumbnail feature is something you support. I know I can always create the thumbnail off a hyperlinked screenshot manually, btw. Looks cool!
You're right - the thumbnail preview is not functionality that we've prioritized. However, it could be something we choose to implement in the future if valuable to more people!
Q: Can you confirm the following is actively developed - and maybe even an ETA?
(+ if those features are part of the LTD or will require additional payments)
- Full HD - KeyStrokes (option to record them) - MouseClicks (option to record them) - GreenScreen for HeadShot overlay - Form embeds (e.g. "subscribe to my newsletter" or links (routein to xyz) ,...)
Then, since you refer to the premiu plan: Are webhooks enabled (and to be enbaled for forms to come as well?) on the plan you sell here?
Feedbear is currently on AppSumo. Maybe a cheap and great chance to implement a roadmap/wishlist.
In short, almost none of those features are on our roadmap :)
The tool has been purposely built without all of those features in order to keep it light and easy to use. However, full HD and recording mouse-clicks will be available when we release our chrome extension within the next couple of months.
Q: Hello!
This looks great, just wondering if you have a 4k screen can it record in that resolution? Is that how it works?
Share RecordJoy
Q: 1) how can we get an option to create videos longer than 30 minutes like other platforms that you say you are an alternative to?
2) can we upload existing videos? This would be nice especially if we are moving from a different platform to yours
3) are we able to add clickable links or buttons to the videos we create? For example, at the end of the video the viewer can click a button to be sent to a different web page or even a booking page
May 14, 2024A: Hello there! I'm happy to answer your questions below:
1) If you upgrade to and Enterprise account (stack two codes), I'd be happy to increase your recording time limit.
2) You can not upload existing videos.
3) You can not add clickable links or buttons to the videos you create.
For #2 and #3, I'll certainly add these feature requests to our backlog and we'll bump them up in priority if we hear from others that they'd like these features as well.
I hope that helps!
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To be honest these features already exist in the platforms you compare yourself to.
How long can we record with 2 codes?
Q: Hello, is it still the case that no Safari and therefore no iPhone is supported for playback or has that changed in the meantime?
May 15, 2024A: Hello! Yes, the only browser we support is Chrome. There is no Safari or mobile support at this time.
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Q: Is it possible to use this to capture video testimonials say I provide a link to my satisfied clients so they ...
can leave there review and feedback?
May 15, 2024A: Hello there! Yes, this tool could absolutely be used to capture video testimonials. It would be very easy to send them a link that they can use to record a video directly from their browser (with no need to install anything!)
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Q: Can this record the screen like Snagit can?
If so can the file be edited like a Snagit can? How is this superior to Snagit?
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Q: Hello, Can you download recordings with your tool?
In what dimensions?
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Verified purchaser
Sorry! Just saw an answer to my question.
Q: Can you download videos now and can you use a higher resolution like 1080p.
And do you have a road map yet. Also wanted to know do you have a green screen feature?
May 15, 2024A: Hello! You can download your videos, but they download at the same resolution that they're recorded in, which is 720p. We are working on releasing a chrome extension that has the ability to create (and download) at 1080p. There is no timetable for that release yet, and we do not have a public roadmap, or a green screen feature.
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Q: Is it possible to see a thumbnail when you send the link through linkedin?
Does only loom do it?
May 15, 2024A: Hello! Right now there is no thumbnail of the video that shows up in the preview link when you share a link. It will just show the RecordJoy logo.
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Q: Hello, Is there a page to see your roadmap?
May 14, 2024A: Hello there!
Not at the moment. However, I can tell you that the two highest priority items on our roadmap are:
- chrome extension with increased recording/editing capabilities
- complete redesign
The chrome extension will be released in a matter of weeks, and the redesign likely about a month or two after that.
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Verified purchaser
Alright, amazing! I think the chrome extension is a really great asset.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Unless it is under a different name I see no Chrome extension yet.
Q: Hello, I am wondering if I can use this for supporting my clients.
I want them to be able to use this while being logged in to our software, so they can record the screen and reach out support. Will they all need a login of their own?
Will they be considered a seat? Because that will not work. I only need 3-4 seats for support but want to 100s of users.
Does it matter what browser they use?
If I iframe it into the dashboard, will they be still be able to record even if they navigate out of the current tab?
Thanks in advance
May 14, 2024A: Hello!
Yes, it sounds like RecordJoy will work for your needs! Anybody that you either send the link to, our that uses your embedded code will be able to create a recording and send to your RecordJoy dashboard. They do not need a RecordJoy account to do this either.
The only browser that we support at the moment is Chrome, so as long as they're using Chrome they will have no issues.
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Verified purchaser
Thank you! I just purchased 2 codes and that should give me whitelabeling feature, right?
Q: Hi, is this still being actively developed and are you working full-time on this project?
I really want to buy this for multiple clients, this could be awesome but I'm worried as there are feature requests from a year ago that still haven't been addressed, there is no public roadmap and most responses from you seem to include "this is not high priority / not on our roadmap" etc.
If you're striving to build a serious competitor to Loom / Screencast-o-matic and others, you have to provide more than an MVP that's not updated for months.
- Make a product that can be used by the 65% of the population in the US and Europe that use Apple/iPhone/Safari, as well as Firefox (at least for playing the videos). We can't force our clients to change browsers just because you don't support them.
- Check out your competitors and try to achieve feature parity with them, plus some extra features that they don't have. Otherwise, what's the point of your product. You clearly have great ideas - please implement them.
- Make a public roadmap and stick to it. Invest time to make your product great. There is definitely a market for a nice-looking, well-working, slick & efficient Loom alternative with deep white-labelling and better reliability. You can do it, I'm sure.
I will keep this bookmarked and a reminder set for a few weeks from now to revisit our purchase decision. I hope to see some updates and a better dynamic and then would be more than happy to invest in the future of this project by buying some codes.
May 14, 2024A: Hello!
Yes, this project is still being worked on. However, not full time.
In the next few weeks you can expect to see a lot of new changes, including:
- a chrome extension that provides a much enhanced recording and editing experience
- a complete redesign of the app home page, dashboard, share/view screens, etc.
I will work on publishing a public roadmap sometime soon for better clarity.
Share RecordJoy
Thanks for your reply and happy to hear that you're still working on this.
Any chance of enabling 1080p or 4k recording? We did try it out but client feedback says the current 720p quality is just too low for our purposes, lots of artifacts, pixels etc. Important details are lost and if we present our work this way, it just looks like our work is shoddy and low quality...
We will buy it on the promise that this is going to get some major overhaul soon, but with 720p unfortunately, it will remain unusable for us.
Please consider Full HD or even 4k a priority, and enable it for sumolings at least with 2 stacked codes.
Thank you!
Q: Hello, Can you help me to change the password please?
These is no option to change it. I sent an email few days a go but I have not got an answer. please help
May 15, 2024A: Hello! I found your account and sent you an email with a link to reset your password. Thanks!
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Q: Do the video have transcript or closed caption?
Where will be the video stored?
Can I download the videos on a different platform?
Do you offer resulution more the 720p?
Can you offer videos larger than 30 minutes?
May 15, 2024A: Hi there!
The videos do not have transcript or captions.
The videos are stored securely on the backend for your account.
Videos can be downloaded, yes.
Right now the highest resolution is 720p, however, we are close to releasing a chrome extension which will provide 1080p
It is possible to extend the 30 min recording limit by reaching out to us directly at hello@recordjoy.com
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Q: I would like to use this for my SaaS agency client support.
I see it can be white labeled but if its embedded will it work outside of the agency dashboard?
I don't know how to stack so can you help please? I am ready to buy :) Thx
May 15, 2024A: Hello there!
Yes, you can embed the code on any website you'd like and users will be able to simply click record and send their screen recordings directly to your account dashboard.
For stacking codes, you just need to purchase two codes and redeem them both here: https://www.recordjoy.com/appsumo
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Q: Hi, does it work on Linux?
May 14, 2024A: Hey there! It should as long as you're using the chrome browser.
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So, we cannot screen record the Ubuntu desktop? Only the Chrome is been recorded?
You can select to record your chrome browser, a specific desktop window, or thew entire desktop. You just need to use the chrome browser to select these options.
Q: Hello, how can I my teammates?
When you will implement a dashboard to manage clientjoy?, I don't like wait for your assistance always, sorry
May 15, 2024A: Hi there,
Please send an email to hello@recordjoy.com and we'd be happy to answer your questions.
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Q: Are there any plans to implement the ability to see or be notified when someone has viewed your video?
May 15, 2024A: Notifications from specific people are not on the roadmap. However, you can currently see the # of times your video has been seen.
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Q: Please answer my questions and help me to enable the white label
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Q: Hey there!
One thing I love about Loom and Vumu for example, is the in-email preview with thumbnail. I use video for sales outreach, so the thumbnail is key in generating the curiosity that leads to the click-thru. I know you're not angling this as a sales outreach tool, so I would completely understand if some of that sales-centric functionality isn't available, but wanted to see if this preview/thumbnail feature is something you support. I know I can always create the thumbnail off a hyperlinked screenshot manually, btw. Looks cool!
May 15, 2024A: Hello!
You're right - the thumbnail preview is not functionality that we've prioritized. However, it could be something we choose to implement in the future if valuable to more people!
Share RecordJoy
Q: Can you confirm the following is actively developed - and maybe even an ETA?
(+ if those features are part of the LTD or will require additional payments)
- Full HD
- KeyStrokes (option to record them)
- MouseClicks (option to record them)
- GreenScreen for HeadShot overlay
- Form embeds (e.g. "subscribe to my newsletter" or links (routein to xyz) ,...)
Then, since you refer to the premiu plan: Are webhooks enabled (and to be enbaled for forms to come as well?) on the plan you sell here?
Feedbear is currently on AppSumo. Maybe a cheap and great chance to implement a roadmap/wishlist.
May 15, 2024A: Hello!
In short, almost none of those features are on our roadmap :)
The tool has been purposely built without all of those features in order to keep it light and easy to use. However, full HD and recording mouse-clicks will be available when we release our chrome extension within the next couple of months.
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