Does it allow the creation of 2D drawing views using SelfCAD from the 3D CAD produced using selfcad?

Does it allow the creation of 2D drawing views using SelfCAD from the 3D CAD produced using selfcad? Is it comparable with unigraphics NX modeling Vs drafting mode?

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    Also can i have callouts and dimensions on the drawing?

    Igor_SelfCADFounder team
    | Member Since:

    I don't know what NX modeling Vs drafting mode is, but if you can export files in one of our supported file formats, there should be no compatibility issues. You can check the list of our supported file formats for import and export here:

    As for creating 2D views, no, there is no option to automatically generate 2D views, and the same goes for automatically calculating and displaying the dimensions. You'd have to do it all by hand.