Q: How do I upgrade from tier 1 to tier 2 or above?

sara057Sep 28, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 29, 2024

A: Hello sara057,

Thank you for your email! We are happy to assist!

SendFox license upgrades can be completed in two ways, listed below.

1st way:

- Log into your AppSumo.com account.
- Go to your Products Page
- Look for SendFox and toggle the button next to it.
- Select the "change plan."
- Complete the check-out with a higher tier, and you may use your AppSumo credits for checkout.

2nd way:

The easiest way to upgrade your license is by adding your credit card to the billing section of your account.
Every 1000 contacts over your current limit that you upload will be charged a one-time fee of $10.
And that will increase the license tier you have.
Once you reach the cap of 25K, that would be the highest you can go with SendFox, as you will reach the highest license, Tier 5.

Have a great day and kind regards from the Team Originals!

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