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Member since: Nov 2021Deals bought: 25
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 24, 2021

Game changing SERP Position Checker and more...

Sumbled upon SerpWatch through the Black Friday sale, so glad I did. I've been looking for an alternative to Pro Rank Tracker for quite some time as their dashboard simply isn't responsive, so looking at it on a mobile is near on impossible and their mobile app is useless.

SerpWatch has some amazing features, here are some of the less obvious ones I'm enjoying so far:

- Ability to clone projects on the same domain (great for breaking up keywords)
- Support is quick, friendly and responsive. I've been chatting via live chat to several staff during GMT hours.
- Development team look very responsive, there is complete transparency in what's being developed next and for feature suggestions/improvements
- Dashboard is responsive, robust and easy to use. I've not got lost at any point
- The credit cost estimation tool is absolutely brilliant so you can see how much a project is going to 'cost' each month...
- Haven't uploaded custom Icons yet, but love that each project you can set a badge.
- Works with Google My Business map pack and also local. Many SERP trackers miss this out
- Actually viewing the rankings - it's super clear and easy to see where there are +/- changes to positions.
- Tooltips on all of the key elements to quickly explain the feature
- Columns are easily sortable and you can drag and drop change the order.

Overall, the whole product and service seems 10/10 at the moment and the savings the black friday deal are going to make are huge... rarely a lifetime license on such robust software. I hope to try and give back where I can with suggestions and any bugs I've noticed (without bugging the dev team too much!)

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey there, sir!

Thank you so much for this great review!

We're really glad you love it, and thankful for sharing all of these.

I have no doubt it will also help other Sumo-lings make their minds and figure out if SerpWatch is the right thing for them.

All the best! D.
