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5 stars
Member since: Feb 2021Deals bought: 21Posted: Oct 4, 2022

Sniply will cut your competition down to size...

Ok, good tool. I like it. Similar to Lynxa and Incises, which are code-canyon scripts.

But Sniply rule the roost. I like this because now I can stealth-mode my competitors' audience and rip their hearts out!

Just kidding. My use case is installing pixels and sending out tons of articles which I didn't create in forums which I don't own and redirect traffic to my website...and running ads using the same pixel to create more revenue streams.

Affiliate marketer here btw.

Founder Team


Oct 8, 2022

Hi there!

Thank you so much for tacos and for the feedback! 😊
I'm sure there are many curious...
