Social Animal

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Q: Impressive looking product.

My question is about use of credits, is there a running log or notification on items that use credits so the user can see a balance so we don't run out prematurely during the month? If we do run out during the month are we able to purchase additional credits?

alan309Mar 20, 2020
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey alan309,

Thanks for your interest in Social Animal.

You can view your credits usage under Account Settings. Here's the link:

We bumped up the monthly credits on all plans. It's highly unlikely that you will run out of them as searches (Articles, Influencers and Facebook) are unlimited. Please use the product for a week and monitor your usage. You may stack accordingly. :)


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 21, 2020

Hi Naren,

Thanks for the reply. I’ve purchased and have been spending time on the product. Many of the features have good utility but I do find myself constantly aware of the running credits meter which is a limiting factor. I’ve seen the list of what requires credits and frankly it is not fully intuitive, certainly not identified to the user on the site at all. I understand this is an AppSumo only feature which is why it’s not demarked across the site. I check back to admin frequently to see if I’ve just used some or not, which is a real user experience issue. I’m almost coming to the conclusion that I should just avoid anything to do with Insight, Influencers, and most tabs in Facebook. Of course doing that cuts out half the value of your product and makes it less essential for my stack.
I know you need to keep costs in check but blind credits is psychologically death by a thousand cuts as a user, and likely not an optimal growth strategy as a business. I’ve left this as a question vs a review as I’m hoping there is a solution you can implement to open usage up e.g. an unlimited fair use policy. If statistically most wont come anywhere near the limits then why not open it up and deal with abusers. Anyhow fy consideration. Thanks

Posted: Mar 21, 2020

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it.

Another Sumo-ling also suggested "fair use policy" in another comment. Fair use policy seems interesting in theory but what is "fair" will always be subjective.

Sumo-lings may not be happy with our definition of "fair use" and we will be back to square one.

We believe it's better this way — transparent credit system with clearly defined limits. Also, there is always an opportunity to stack if a user thinks they need more credits for analysis.

Hope you think this is a "fair" explanation. :)

Thanks again for your feedback.


Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 21, 2020

I appreciate your perspective and apologize for keeping at this, it’s the consultant in me trying to assist (and negotiate I suppose). Unfortunately the issue is that as a user it isn’t transparent as there are no visible notifications on the site designating the ”credit” features from the non credit features.
Regarding the stacking option that will disappear with the your AppSumo deal period and I am unlikely to know my usage pattern with your product by then.
Understand if fair usage does not have appeal for you, please consider alternatives e.g. a more significant boost to the credit and other features allotment to break the psychological barrier; or at least an ongoing ability to purchase additional volumes beyond the deal period.

Posted: Mar 21, 2020

Hi Alan,

Thank you for more incredible feedback. :)

//No visible notifications on the site designating the ”credit” features from the non credit features.//

This is an interesting observation. We will explore ways to add visual cues in the app for Sumo-lings to easily distinguish between credit and non-credit features.

We have already boosted (almost doubled) the monthly credits for all codes.

We can definitely consider having an ongoing ability to purchase additional volumes of credits beyond the deal period.

Thanks again!


Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Jul 23, 2020

Was this ever decided on? The deal may not be as useful to me if I can't add credits as I grow...