You need that for your business / service / products!
SocialJuice is a fantastic tool! It provides a very solid and GDPR-compliant solution for collecting video reviews from customers for your products/services..., and then automatically displaying them on your website - including Schema Markup integration!
The dashboard is also really well-designed!
Things that could still be improved:
- Reviews from other sources (e.g., Google My Business) should be able to be automatically and easily transferred - just like many other tools can... But that is supposedly already in the works, and I hope it comes soon...
- Possibly more customization options for the embedded widgets (maybe even through a CSS feature)
- You can manually translate the text on the review form - that's good! However, I would wish for a global translation feature so that you don't have to do it again for new forms...
But aside from that, it is already a great tool that I enjoy using and will happily recommend!