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Q: Hi Craig, I hope you are doing well.

If you don't mind, I would like to ask some questions about the platform.

1. Regarding contest features, are there any particular platforms you would compare to Sociamonials? I am not asking for you to speak negatively about others' products.
I am trying to understand how Sociamonials provides more features, functionality, and price savings than others. I hope I am not being confused. Does...

jmorris1830PLUSJun 13, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 13, 2024

A: Hello!

I am doing quite well, thanks. I don't mind answering questions here, because 100 or more people will learn from the answers I provide once to you :-)

1. We do have some unique features for our contests. I guess Upviral sounds like a good alternative? We really excel on the UGC side because you can auto-syndicate photo and video submissions to their and your social feeds and YouTube...

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