Investing into Potential
With other similar services such as Aiva and Mubert being around since 2016, Soundpiece is definitely the new kid on the block. This is reflected in its music generation quality and features.
Given you don't expect industry-leading standards right from its inception, there is plenty to love about Soundpiece and things that make it unique.
The most notable is how it automatically creates song titles for you, which you can later change. This seemingly small feature helps a lot when it comes to remembering what a song is. As a bonus, its created name is often entertaining. Shoutout to a Rock tune called "Speedy Gopher of Witchcraft"
It has a dead-simple interface that allows anyone to begin creating tunes quickly. You have three options to select from. The first is called Type which dedicates what you're trying to create whether it be some beats or an entire song. The second is Style, which is basically your Genre. Finally, there is Setting. It is essentially a mood you're going for such as sad or energetic.
Or simply click generate without messing with any of that and see what comes out. There are no limits to the amount you can generate and Soundpiece also offers unlimited cloud storage of your songs. It is a fun way to pass some time and a glimpse into what it's capable of, as to later try to replicate in your custom songs.
Also worth a mention is the speed at which it generates a song. There is little in the way of waiting when it comes to using this program. In combination with it automatically naming your songs, Soundpiece is one of the most seamless AI music generators out there.
After you create a song, you can then customize its length (up to 5 min) and BPM. A handy feature for when it creates something you love and have it play for longer without a need to duplicate then splice pieces in another program.
You'll find that there is a tendency for unappealing amounts of repetition in its generation. It is likely you'll be creating and deleting a fair bit of duds before Soundpiece creates a good or even fire track. While a mixed bag, it can create tracks you wouldn't believe weren't made by a human, and a rather talented one at that.
If I had one suggestion to make to the Soundpiece team, it'd be to separate the song length from the Setting tab and allow us to choose a specific duration. Trading out the ability to choose a mood just for the vague option of 30+ second length isn't worth it.
I'd say the lifetime deal is a steal. For $69 you'll be receiving an unlimited amount of unique music to do with as you please, whether it be a Youtube video, Podcast, or a commercial project. You have a sizable 50 downloads per day limit, but with the unlimited song generation in play, they will all be of vetted quality as decided by you. If you somehow manage to download that much in a day, the cloud storage ensures they will be available for you in the next.