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Verified purchaser

5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Apr 2018Deals bought: 126Posted: Nov 10, 2022


We were looking for an audio transcription tool. We needed 2 major options:

1. Upload audio file and transcribe

2. Auto detect system recordings and translate..

This tool had both options and we have purchased Tier 3 lifetime deal with unlimited transcription options.

Now they have removed both system and they are not willing to issue a refund. This is so unprofessional service. They are not providing the service they are committed to do.

Some Proofs:

Screenshot 1: https://prnt.sc/kqDIYMWJpHCf

Screenshot 2: https://prnt.sc/z2XFXoNCTk6r

Screenshot 3: https://prnt.sc/E88cFfDyrMgQ

Screenshot 4: https://prnt.sc/vcC8iDU7OhVc

Screenshot 5: https://prnt.sc/jTzTTfeG0r-W

These type companies should be removed from the community.
