Q: Questions for you:
-Agency plan: 2000 responses per year = per company or across all companies? if its across all companies per year its pretty low

Mar 18, 2025A: Hey Wonka, the 2000 responses is across all companies. Usually, if you use SMS, with no incentive, we see about a 10% conversion rate, with email even less. This roughly translates to around 20,000+ feedback requests or customer interactions. (Which is a lot).
In addition to this, you can negotiate flat rates per company, this means you can negotiate a flat rate per month/year for a specific company with us and charge an amount of your choice from your client. This method will not use your agency credits. You can also by additional credits at a minimum of 50% off the retail price.
Also keep in mind that a credit (response) includes everything. (AI review, replies, etc.)
Let me know if you have any other questions. Glad to help.