Q: I tried to deploy a Wordpress site and it was only on v6.
1. So I was prompted by WP after installation. But Squash doesn't allow updates since it made some files read-only, like .htaccess, update-core.php, etc. This is useless if it doesn't allow updates on the site. Otherwise, this is promising.
Q: My other programmers upload stuff that may or may not work in WP but is your software able to show me where ...
they made mistakes even though it is already being hosted via Godaddy and we are both standing on different continents? Is there a use case for this senario?
I mean, if my programmer uploads my files to my host on Godaddy and I wanted to check it out for mistakes then, this is not that kind of software, is it? Also, he uses PHP and Angular, and you do not support those either, eh? Do I not need your SaaS then?
A: Thanks for your question. If you need more than 15 concurrent environments you would need to reach out to our support team here: https://www.squash.io/support/
You will be asked to add a credit card to your account and the system will automatically charge your card at the end of the billing cycle for any usage that is above your AppSumo plan limits. Rates are here: https://www.squash.io/pricing/#additional
Q: I tried to deploy a Wordpress site and it was only on v6.
1. So I was prompted by WP after installation. But Squash doesn't allow updates since it made some files read-only, like .htaccess, update-core.php, etc. This is useless if it doesn't allow updates on the site. Otherwise, this is promising.
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Q: My other programmers upload stuff that may or may not work in WP but is your software able to show me where ...
they made mistakes even though it is already being hosted via Godaddy and we are both standing on different continents? Is there a use case for this senario?
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Q: Is this only if I am a programmer?
I mean, if my programmer uploads my files to my host on Godaddy and I wanted to check it out for mistakes then, this is not that kind of software, is it? Also, he uses PHP and Angular, and you do not support those either, eh? Do I not need your SaaS then?
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Q: Hello, What if I need to use more than 15 concurrent environments, Can I stack other code?
May 15, 2024A: Thanks for your question. If you need more than 15 concurrent environments you would need to reach out to our support team here: https://www.squash.io/support/
You will be asked to add a credit card to your account and the system will automatically charge your card at the end of the billing cycle for any usage that is above your AppSumo plan limits. Rates are here: https://www.squash.io/pricing/#additional
Let us know if you have any other questions.
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Q: How do I push the test site back to my main site / production site?
Is there a mechanism to push seamlessly, or would I need to use a migration plugin as with any webhost?
May 15, 2024A: Hello! A plugin such as this one is recommended for migrations:
Or you may also use SFTP. Each Squash instance has their own unique SSH/SFTP endpoint.
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