
    Lifetime deal

    Build, host, and manage membership websites to generate recurring revenue

    With all the expert knowledge you have to share, you ought to start charging for it.

    But building a membership website with different subscription plans is a complicated undertaking (teaching the world everything you know about marketing and crème brûlée is hard enough).

    If only there was a way to regularly publish your amazing content and generate recurring revenue...

    Well, now there’s SubHub.


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    Create multiple membership levels, enabling different groups to securely log in and see the content they’ve purchased
    Alternative to: MemberPress, Wild Apricot
    Offer annual, monthly, and recurring subscription plans with the option for free trials and one-time payments
    Best for: SMEs, coaches, trainers, and educators looking to easily manage and grow their membership or subscription services


    SubHub is a platform that enables users to build, host, and manage membership and subscription sites, including content and payment.

    Whether you’re a motivational speaker or a yoga instructor who’s also an auto repair expert, SubHub helps you profit from your passion.

    The platform provides you with all the tools you need to build, manage, and host a membership website.

    Because it’s fully hosted, there’s no need to install any software or mess with complicated plugins.

    Get started by creating a fully-customized site with a design that appeals to your audience and reflects your branding, including your own custom domain.

    The drag-and-drop home page editor makes it easy to customize the types and position of your home page content.

    With an intuitive home page builder, you can customize your site’s design and content.

    With SubHub, you can set up multiple membership levels, allowing different groups of members to securely log in and see relevant content.

    The ability to easily create monthly, annual, or other recurring subscription plans lets you provide a range of options for subscribers.

    Set your own discounts and promo codes that members can use when they check out.

    You can even entice new subscribers with free or limited trials, all controlled from the SubHub platform.

    Create weekly, monthly, and annual subscription options for your membership plan.

    If overseeing a membership program feels like herding cats to you, you’re not alone.

    Luckily, SubHub makes it easy to manage individual members and groups of members, ensuring that everyone gets the content they’ve paid for.

    From the “My Members” dashboard, you can access details on each of your members such as their contact information, when they joined, and what payment plan they subscribe to.

    Need to update a member’s personal information or subscription plan? Do it all from one convenient dashboard.

    Manage and update membership information all from one dashboard.

    With SubHub, you can control how and when you deliver membership content.

    Add articles, pages, images, audio, videos, and other types of content to publish immediately or at a scheduled date and time.

    You can restrict access to certain content on your site to ensure that only the members who have paid for access can view it.

    With the Drip Content Manager, you can even create drip campaigns to deliver content to members over time, such as how-to’s or a welcome series.

    Develop and manage drip campaigns to deliver scheduled content to your members with ease.

    Want to sell physical products or digital downloads?

    SubHub features a built-in shopping cart where customers can purchase products for a one-time fee directly on your membership site.

    You can customize your store with product categories, shipping terms, currency, and tax information, along with the option to automatically offer members a discount.

    Plus, take credit card payments in multiple currencies using Stripe and PayPal.

    SubHub makes setting up your store and taking payments simple.

    You’ve been talking your friends’ ears off about your hobbies—why not get paid for it? (Clearly, your in-depth knowledge of succulent propagation is being wasted.)

    SubHub includes everything you need to publish your content and tap into that recurring revenue stream, from subscriptions and memberships to drip content and paid downloads.

    And your virtual hubs are all fully hosted and managed—no plugins or coding required.

    Get lifetime access today!

    P.S. Learn how to use SubHub like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!

    From the founders

    May 29, 2020

    Hey Sumo-lings,

    Our SubHub team is so excited to introduce you to our awesome membership website builder!

    Since 2004 our goal has been to power everyone’s passion to create an online business - where you can share your knowledge and get paid for it.

    For 16 years we’ve been analyzing and understanding what it takes to make great membership websites. Our latest and greatest improvement is a super new homepage editor that our developers Joan, Oscar, Jerico and Gabe collaborated to build so that you can make your website perfectly reflect who you are and what you have to offer.

    It’s a great complement to all the detailed and sophisticated subscription and member management functionality our platform already delivers. You can create multiple subscription levels, different payment plans, free trials, paid downloads, drip content and so much more. We’re fully integrated with Stripe and PayPal.

    We love seeing smart people make money doing what they love and are great at. Profiting from your passion has never been easier.

    Our support gurus, Bev and Jeanne, are very hands-on. We know what makes a membership website successful and we are there when you need us.

    Let’s build beautiful websites and make money doing what we love.

    The SubHub Team

    P.S. A quick note on stacking. You have the option to use additional codes to scale limits within a single membership website, or use codes to create separate membership sites with each code. Hope you enjoy the additional flexibility of the offer!

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