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3 stars
3 stars
Member since: May 2021Deals bought: 274Posted: Apr 27, 2022

Good but confusing and clunky

Good tool but a bit too clunky.
User interface is confusing but I just started... appears a bit overwhelming.
I can't seem to get the recurring generator working. Same with dynamic customer variables - cannot figure out where to use them in the invoice (OD generated).
I don't think I can open a ticket, just chat and send an email over the chat window.
I cannot see any online chat customer support in real time.
I hope they realize for a first time user the user interface is very confusing.
Wish they can give me a demo where I can show them what I try to do and guide me along.
Seems like there are some bugs and shortcomings...

Founder Team


Jan 17, 2023

Hi mvishal71,

Yes, you've found that it's not an "overnight easy" process, but with something as...
