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Member since: Apr 2024Deals bought: 24
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 13, 2025

Refunded, bought a year later... Love it!

I bought Taja a year back and refunded as it was too basic and had a few bugs.

Fast forward to now and Taja has come a long way, its constantly updated and now has an intuitive keyword research engine, long form video into short form clips repurposing and other content, better ainhenerayed thumbnails, faster processing and loads of other little goodies.

There are some areas for improvement. Here are my suggestions:

- Be able to upload an image and the ai can take that image and add it to the thumbnail. Better for those who don't want to share there face.
- keyword research is good but can always be improved on. Maybe find more relevant keywords or videos.
- B-rolls could be better, maybe change duration of them, be able to add your own b-rolls too.
- Be able to choose AI image models for the youtube thumbnails.
- Be able to choose from different AI models to generate content for better output.

Can't think of anything more at this time but the roadmap looks good and I look forward to more updates.



Founder Team


Jan 13, 2025

Hey Seb,

Thanks you very much for this thoughtful review and feedback. We are glad that you decided to give us another try. I have noted your feature requests and will share them with the team during our next product meeting. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any additional feature requests.

Taja Team
