Tapflow Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 23 questions

Q: find profiles in France

Does this work to find candidates based in France? I haven't succeeded.
Thanks in advance

alexandre.lignon8Sep 18, 2024
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Sep 18, 2024

A: Hey Alexandre! Yes it works. I just checked the sourcing session you made, and France wasn't one of the countries listed. It's crucial to list the country in the sourcing session for it to source candidates from there.
Please connect with me at abed@tapflow.app if you need any guidance for using it.


Q: Email address

Hi team,

I have some question for you directly. Can you share your email address here? I can't find it on the main website.

DonacidPLUSSep 18, 2024
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Sep 18, 2024

A: Hey Donacid, sure! abed@tapflow.app


Q: Question & Improvement

The tool is insane :)
But something super important is missing :

I'm doind recruitment also for agencies and big companies (not my main mission)
And my journey is :

- Sourcing
- Evaluate based on data that i have access too

Top 2 data i consider :
- Data validity (inactive linkedin account are bbypassed and since i do that things get better)
- Recommandation + E-Reputation , i check portfolio, freelancer platform and linkedin to get any reviews
- Certifications on Linkedin

The profile provided hide people that are not active in linkedin, abandonned account etc.

Here my tips as a Product Manager consultant ;)

- You could give "status" flag , based on last comment or last post
- You could add recommandation summary + score it

And here the short list will make sens
Also, if i want to work with a team ? How i can do it

yassine87PLUSSep 17, 2024
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Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey Yassine! Thanks for the nice words.

Amazing feedback! Definitely on-point.

We already do 1 layer of cleaning up, but not as strict as you mentioned. We clean up all empty profiles, profiles with meaningless headlines/titles, etc...

For the second point, we call that in this space "3D profiles", which means gathering data for the same candidate from other platforms. We're working on...


Q: If I buy tier 3, will you add a tier 4, tier 5 etc when you add new functionality like the ability to send emails?

Looks very interesting to use as a recruiter without impacting your own LI profile. If I buy tier 3, will you add a tier 4, tier 5 etc when you develop new functionality, like the ability to send emails or source from other platforms? I may search and identify 150 LI profiles to send a message to... It would be ideal to automate this bit will these messages be sent from my email address and how will I overcome the spamming flags?

105157940104806211918Sep 16, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hey! Thanks for reaching out.

We'll most probably add most features to the existing tiers. But we won't release more tiers in this AppSumo launch (not 100% sure yet, its based on demand). IF in any case, we decided add any feature that has a significant cost on us server wise and cannot be sustained, it will be around $20 per month.

Regarding email spamming flags, we forced email limits per...


Q: filter open to work

can we use any filter open to work to find open to work talent?

Mr.whiteSep 15, 2024
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Sep 15, 2024

A: Hey Mr. White!
We'll have it in the next 1-2 weeks.
Will keep you posted
