Q: If I buy tier 3, will you add a tier 4, tier 5 etc when you add new functionality like the ability to send emails?

Looks very interesting to use as a recruiter without impacting your own LI profile. If I buy tier 3, will you add a tier 4, tier 5 etc when you develop new functionality, like the ability to send emails or source from other platforms? I may search and identify 150 LI profiles to send a message to... It would be ideal to automate this bit will these messages be sent from my email address and how will I overcome the spamming flags?

105157940104806211918Sep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hey! Thanks for reaching out.

We'll most probably add most features to the existing tiers. But we won't release more tiers in this AppSumo launch (not 100% sure yet, its based on demand). IF in any case, we decided add any feature that has a significant cost on us server wise and cannot be sustained, it will be around $20 per month.

Regarding email spamming flags, we forced email limits per day, and delay between emails.

BTW: today we're releasing email sending. And in 2 weeks, we'll release email automated campaigns (with follow ups, triggers, reply tracking, interested tracking, etc...)


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