Q: Question & Improvement

The tool is insane :)
But something super important is missing :

I'm doind recruitment also for agencies and big companies (not my main mission)
And my journey is :

- Sourcing
- Evaluate based on data that i have access too

Top 2 data i consider :
- Data validity (inactive linkedin account are bbypassed and since i do that things get better)
- Recommandation + E-Reputation , i check portfolio, freelancer platform and linkedin to get any reviews
- Certifications on Linkedin

The profile provided hide people that are not active in linkedin, abandonned account etc.

Here my tips as a Product Manager consultant ;)

- You could give "status" flag , based on last comment or last post
- You could add recommandation summary + score it

And here the short list will make sens
Also, if i want to work with a team ? How i can do it

yassine87PLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey Yassine! Thanks for the nice words.

Amazing feedback! Definitely on-point.

We already do 1 layer of cleaning up, but not as strict as you mentioned. We clean up all empty profiles, profiles with meaningless headlines/titles, etc...

For the second point, we call that in this space "3D profiles", which means gathering data for the same candidate from other platforms. We're working on it!

Thanks a lot man.

About teams, we only provide solutions for individuals for now unfortunately.

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Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Well so the work around minimum you could provide is to allow dashboard sharing , or import export for exemple I'm using

Tapflow and I can Invite someone view only does not require any Tapflow subscription

And if I want to share editable part it can be shared only with someone having a license.

And maybe :) it will be interesting to have Tapflow community reviews on candidate profile