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Member since: Oct 2019Deals bought: 280
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Mar 24, 2022

Needs Improvement

I have mixed feelings about this product. I feel that it's too beta right now.

What's my opinion worth? Well, I'm the most prolific template author for Frase right now if that tells you anything. So I'd like to think I know a thing or two about AI tools.

Let's talk about TextWizard.

First the good stuff.

1. I love the UI. It's clean, sleek, and beautiful. I couldn't ask for more.
2. I like that this tool isn't using GPT3, which gets expensive quick. By using a GPT-J fork, the company's only costs are server usage, which is very sustainable for a long time. So the likelihood of this company folding in the next 6 months should be low.
3. The deal terms are also very generous.

Now the not so good stuff.

1. Very few templates (which can be solved over time, but it remains to be seen what the development speed is).
2. The custom "recipes" is basically worthless because of the way the input prompts work. It's so limiting, that getting usable output is virtually impossible. What this tool needs is a recipe input akin to something like Riku.ai or Frase. At the moment, I can't make anything decent with the way the recipe input works.
3. I'm not seeing the USP, especially given that it's not using GPT3 and has no SEO functionality.
4. I tried the long form twice and both times it got stuck at 75%.
5. It lacks any type of inline AI.

Is this review too harsh? I don't think so. Three tacos ain't bad. Plus, like I previously said, since it's not using GPT3, you don't have to lose too much sleep over usage costs. The next 60 days should give an indication of development speed and it will tell me if I should keep or refund.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


We really appreciate your feedback.

It helps us align our product roadmap to your needs and ensure that every TextWizard customer gets their money's worth.

More templates and more features are in the works as we speak. :)

I have to admit - we've had a massive influx of customers from AppSumo, and are experiencing some growing pains. That's also why a couple of your generations ended up stuck at 75%. Our engineers are scaling up our servers and we are sure you won't experience this in the future.

We're open to all recommendations and development ideas. We want TextWizard to be a tool that marketers won't be able to live without in the future. Your feedback is infinitely valuable for achieving that.
