Q: Crawl Pages (url) automatically?
Is there a way for your app to Crawl Pages (url) automatically for a whole site? That way we don't have to add each page one one by one?
roadkillciscoPLUSJan 22, 2025
Founder Team

Jan 22, 2025A: Hello,
Thank you for reaching out.
Yes, there is a toggle called "Crawl Website" next to the input where you add your website url. This will crawl all the linking pages as it finds. Alternatively you can also provide a sitemap.xml if you have one already, for instance https://example.com/sitemap.xml
If you've tried this and it didn't work as you expected, please reach out to us at support@tinytalk.ai and we'd be happy to look into it together.
All the best,
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