Does not do what it says.
I bought tier 4 and added two sites, which should let me index 2500 pages per site a day. After one day it only did 173 pages on one and 151 pages on the other. This is after all 25 worker accounts are active per site. In saying this, I will update the review if the speed picks up. As of now, I don’t know how Tier 5 is any better then Tier 1.
Dec 30, 2024We do not have a Tier 5. Not sure if you bought our software or someone else. Here are URL Monitor, as a reminder, we also do not guarantee indexing. Any software claiming guarantee on indexing is mis-leading. Our goal in the software is to push your pages into the indexing flow, but ultimately the decision comes from the search engine itself. Bad/thin content will rarely index - unless sitting on a super powerful domain.