Waiting for the next version
For a non-profit association, I am looking for this type of solution to process requests from volunteers who wish to join us.
So I tested VIDBITES and have several comments to make:
- The price is clearly the most accessible and for a for-profit association, this is essential.
- The platform is fast and the basics are there BUT:
1. There are very big problems with style sheets; no responsive and even on a tablet, while the site is uncluttered, the visual rendering is not good and on mobile, it's even worse.
2. The possibility of translating the platform into several languages should be provided. If I can help you in French, do not hesitate.
I am therefore waiting to see the next version, hoping that it will be deployed in a few days because I will ask for a refund if there is no change. Even if the cost is very affordable, the application will unfortunately not be of any use to me as it is.
I will not hesitate to make a new detailed comment (back end and front end) as soon as the next version is online.