Unlimited views cut to 200k to profit Vidjet on the back of the content creators and entrepreneurs...

Unlimited views cut to 200k to profit Vidjet on the back of the content creators and entrepreneurs and limit their chances of success. This move showed that Vidjet is not looking for early partners and supporters.

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    Baptiste_VidjetFounder team
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    Hi Mr.M,

    I feel really sorry about your frustration here. I believe there's a misunderstanding. We are looking for early customers and supporters, but we can't afford to put our small company at high financial risks. Does it make sense to you?


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    It would make sense if the benefit would be mutual.

    If I make 30 videos a month, that's less than 7k views each and with each new video the allocated views would drop accordingly. 3 months time and your LTD has become redundant even for those who don't have a well define base.

    Can we buy additional "views" to increase the ill judged limit? If yes then how much +/$? (Link if possible to see these rates?)

    If no then why you're saying "agency plan" when is actually aimed for domestic use?

    Not trying to hold your feet over the barbecue, but as a responsible "early supporter" in a product, I need to make sure the product is not tracked sideways and end up in a ditch as many do.