Q: Hi,
This is a question/feature request: The way I bought Voiceform is to have the lowest possible friction ...
that should result in more people willing to give us feedback.
But I find that there are a lot of unnecessary steps to get to the actual feedback - there is a welcome screen where the user needs to click/tap "Next" just to get to the page where the record button is. I think that a setup where everything is on one page would make a difference. It has been proven by testing that one page checkout increases conversion compared to multi-step processes where you lose people at every click. I don't see why the same wouldn't apply to feedback.
Could you provide an option to put everything on a single screen, i.e. when the user arrives to the page, they instantly see the Record button?
I love the concept and I think this would make it even better.
Q: When I create Audio questions, the only word that shows in both, in the list of questions and also in the actual form is the word "audio".
This doesn't work at all. We need to be able to identify each audio question in the list of questions, and also, final user needs to see other text instead just "audio", e.g. Question # 1, Topic: Soccer, etc.... :(
Q: Are you coming back to Appsumo?
Any time soon?
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I'd be curious too!
Q: Hi!
Are you going to offer this again any soon? Thank you!
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Q: Hi, This is a question/feature request: The way I bought Voiceform is to have the lowest possible friction ...
that should result in more people willing to give us feedback.
But I find that there are a lot of unnecessary steps to get to the actual feedback - there is a welcome screen where the user needs to click/tap "Next" just to get to the page where the record button is. I think that a setup where everything is on one page would make a difference. It has been proven by testing that one page checkout increases conversion compared to multi-step processes where you lose people at every click. I don't see why the same wouldn't apply to feedback.
Could you provide an option to put everything on a single screen, i.e. when the user arrives to the page, they instantly see the Record button?
I love the concept and I think this would make it even better.
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Q: What constitutes a "response"?
One person's response to a single question? Or one person's responding to a survey (multiple questions?) Or....something else?
May 14, 2024A: It’s something responding to a whole survey!
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Q: When I create Audio questions, the only word that shows in both, in the list of questions and also in the actual form is the word "audio".
This doesn't work at all. We need to be able to identify each audio question in the list of questions, and also, final user needs to see other text instead just "audio", e.g. Question # 1, Topic: Soccer, etc.... :(
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