Q: Does this text to audio tool have any options for changing the tone of a voice?

For example, I'd like to use speaking styles like:

- Conversational

- Motivational

- Emotional

- Audiobooks / Narrative

- Instructional / Tutorial

- Enthusiastic / Promotional / Marketing

- YouTube video voice styles for telling scary stories, such as the voices in channels like Mr. Nightmare, Mr. Revenant, and Darkness Prevails.

I think it's nice that this AI tool has many different voices to choose from, but I'm curious if a variety of speaking styles are also possible, since that would help when working with different types of projects.

Opal13241Nov 24, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey Opal,
You can improve synthesis with Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) in 6 languages with some voiceskins.
We haven't cross check the list but hereby: t.ly/sPKA

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