Q: Hello everyone @Voiser & Appsumo, I am French and I have some difficulty getting what the "tiers" mean...
Let's take tier 4. I see that it's a "one time purchase" with 12 speech-to-text hours per month. Doest it mean that, for the rest of my life, I'll get those 12 hours every single month without paying any extra ? If not, please explain.
Thank you !
benjamin161Nov 26, 2022
Founder Team

May 15, 2024A: Bonjour Benjamin,
You will have a 12-hour transcription package every month.
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Posted: Nov 28, 2022
Hello Omer,
I got that but the price I pay today for Tier 4... how many months do I get for that price ?
Thank you.
Posted: Nov 29, 2022
It is a life deal. Every 30-day period, you will have a fresh 12-hr transcription package.
We know it is crazy deal offering it month after month, but it is!