Q: Hello I purchased tier 4 to try Voiser with the intention of keeping it but Is there preview function without consuming credits?

I want to be able to listen to the audio before exporting especially when working with larger documents as this burns through credits quickly.

I have used about 8 different TTS, some I own and none of them charge credits for previewing the work file, they only do so for finalizing/exporting.

I am concerned that Voiser is charging me for previewing while making edits AND for the final output.

Thank you

SumoXavNov 24, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey SumoXav,
With Voiser you don't have any download limit. You can generate as much as you want. All tries including setting changes reduce from package.
đź’ˇ Not to burn your credits fast for finding a voice skin suits to your project, please listen samples at Explore Voices
đź’ˇ and you should divide paragraphs into 2-3 sentences and voiceover them separately to preview.
Tier-4 has 500.000 characters monthly limit.
500.000 / 6 letters = 84.000 words
84.000 / 300 = 278 full page text

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Posted: Nov 25, 2022

True there needs to be a preview function

Posted: Nov 25, 2022

Hey adi_das,
You are right, preview is the nature of AI voice overing.
We advise users to pick up some sentences at every line to choose right voice skin and pitch/speed setting.
At voiser user can select just one line to preview. Putting long texts in one line and selecting whole lines for preview will be waste of time and also character.

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