Q: I wrote a day ago but I need an answer to figure out whether to buy another 2 tiers on Appsumo or whether to ...

return the purchased ones as well and, if I want to take another 2, I need to know quickly otherwise the BF expires. Please @Omer_Voiser, try to be precise in your answers, thanks.
Yesterday I wrote: 1) I asked you if I would add 2 more tiers, to bring the level from 2 to 4 and you replied that 60 days after the purchase you could do it. Maybe I didn't explain myself well, two months after the purchase it seems like a lot to me, if I buy 2 more codes before the offer expires on the 29th, can't you take me to level 4 with API right away?

2) I did a test and I realized that naturalness is not perfect, the voice (in Italian) finished the sentence even without punctuation, when the sentence shouldn't have finished, it paused a little and started again as after the point. In this case, is there any code to make the AI ​​management not to finish the sentence at random? I am attaching the file that Voiser produced from this text:
“Evolutionary communication bases its criteria on the use of personal evolution through the study and practice of holistic and humanistic disciplines. The global vision that distinguishes this communication brings man back to the center of the focus, generating new synaptic and creative thoughts.”
As you can see, the declension of pauses and end of sentence are incorrect

3) If the system is not accurate and induces me to change Speaker or modify the text for the reading to be correct, 10% more is not enough for me but I think it is very difficult to generate a correct reading, and therefore, many tests are needed. It makes no sense that credits are downloaded for each test but it makes sense to have an audio preview (even by applying an audio watermark, as for example AudioJungle from Envato does) until it is correct and therefore ready to be downloaded by scaling the credits . Is this something that will be done? Or will we always have to burn part of our credits to get an acceptable result?

Thanks a lot for the replies

alessandrocastagnaPLUSNov 25, 2022
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey Alessandro,
Why do you need to buy another 2 tiers? All Tiers have multi-user license for co-working.
1) AppSumo support team reply on package upgrade request
"User will simply need to upgrade to Tier X! No codes are involved as this is a licensing deal. To do this, a user will simply to go their “Products” section within their AppSumo account, and select the upgrade option for Voiser!"
2) Our global voice engine partners keep developing voice skins. If the bug can be fixed by our team, we do it inside. You should open a ticket from your account.
3) Every change you make reduces your credits. You may keep 1 sentence at every line to preview. When you select all lines, you will export the audio as one file.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Nov 27, 2022

it's really frustrating to keep trying to explain, waiting days and days for the answer which is not understandable or senseless, now I'll explain why:
1) If I upgrade from the product panel, I lose 10% of my discount as a PLUS user and 10% of my blackfriday discount, so this answer doesn't make sense! In fact, I was asking you if you could implement 2 more tiers to bring me to level 4.
2) I was asking you to listen to what I sent you in an email that you didn't reply to, I also wrote a ticket, as you say, no response. The problem is that the tool should give the possibility to fix pronunciation errors and not deduct any credits until the result is correct. Then scale credits for actual use without errors. Your product is very wrong, it is not precise, it interprets punctuations that do not exist. I hope the solution is not to download the file with the defects, redo all the sentences that turn out to be wrong one by one and then open an audio editing program to reassemble them all by hand?! that would be madness!
3) you write to me: "3) Every change you make reduces your credits. You may keep 1 sentence at every line to preview. When you select all lines, you will export the audio as one file."
I can't understand the dynamic, I just understand that every change scales credits for a problem of your software and this is not correct; so please explain better.
Ps: you give us access to nascent software at a very advantageous lifetime price but don't forget that we waste a lot of time testing and helping you develop with the risk that you won't be able to develop your software as you promised in the roadmaps, and for this service and this risk, we still pay money. For this reason it is correct that the communication is PRECISE AND FAST, I believe that we are here on appsumo, it is for everyone's benefit: us, you sellers and appsumo

Posted: Nov 28, 2022

Hey Alessandro,
I could find your email and replied it.
>Apparently I didn't understand what you needed. it should be used as it is purchased,
>You can manage, change the sentence by adding commas etc.
Please have a look at articles at the blog page.
>As you mentioned, it reduces credits for every try. We give %10 of the package for free for that reason.
Have a nice week ahead

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Nov 28, 2022

thank you for answering me quickly and quickly, I was asking so, or this. Now I analyze better and do some tests before the BF ends, thanks

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Nov 28, 2022

thanks to the help of Appsumo, i managed to get to the point i wanted, the understanding i needed. Thanks Appsumo

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