Q: I'm interested to buy some TTS software for some personal, educational, and commercial projects.

So, I'd like to know if, purchasing this tool, can I use it to audio for fictional characters to interactive books, videos, games, and apps? My main goal is gaming and education.

Which usage limitation about non-personal projects? I mean, I'm a teacher and sometimes I create games with my students. Can I use these graphics in free and commercial projects developed with another person (2 or 3-people teams)?

If used to create gaming character voices, how many files/minutes in audio can I generate for a month?

ChristianoSantosNov 24, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi again Christiano,
AppSumo deal based on Voiser Enterprise plan, not personal/individual. So, commercial rights are included.
You can generate as much file as you want within character limits of package in every 30-day period.
You have "multiple user" license included with all tiers for co-working.

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