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Member since: Feb 2018Deals bought: 211
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Nov 25, 2022

4 days no reply

I was one of the first to jump on this opportunity and possibly the first one to buy this product. I'm a developer myself and I understand that this company is using Polly from Amazon to build what they did. I could do it myself, but chose to go to easy route. This is probably the 3rd or 4th text to speech I bought from Appsumo that supposedly offers API access, but when you go to the website, their API documentation is non existent and asks you to email them. I emailed them 4 days ago and no reply.

Frustrated that there's no reply I came back and kept looking to see if they respond to ANY questions... only then have I noticed that there's a 4th tier available in the dropdown and only when you select it, you see the API is offered on that tier - this wasn't obvious from the description or full read through of the deal.

The only mention of API on the product page simply says: "Thanks to our API support, we have developed strong partnerships with developers over time." so I assumed this one is for real. And since Polly offers 5 million characters per month for free for the first year and they charge $219 for 4% of that quota I figured that this must be it.

Lets do the math...
PAID tier of Polly is $4 for 1 million characters.
Tier 3 is 200k characters = $0.80 per month
It would take over 32 years to recoup the price of $219 dollars, and you're met with limitation, BUT you get the API, right? Nope, no API.

And on top of that the lack of response for 4 days makes me feel like that's the kind of support you'd get if something breaks. I can't possibly give this deal more than 2 tacos.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey HonestSumo,

Thank you for your review,
Price/Performance concern
Amazon Polly isn't one of our global partners.

Communication concern
You received our reply to your question sent from the Deal page.
I didn't see any other questions sent from the AS deal page or email.
I couldn't match your nickname with registered Tier-4 users on Voiser.

If you have any questions or just need help,
You can simply email ( to get in touch.
or text from WhatsApp:
or “Support” messages sent from the panel, reach a shared email account and one of us responds shortly.
Peace your mind, we provide remote computer support over AnyDesk or Teamviewer.
