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Member since: Sep 2019Deals bought: 192
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 8, 2024

An invaluable tool for feedback from clients that gets out of your way and easy to use (both client and account owner) and clean.

I can't begin to tell you how useful webvizio's platform has been, a breath of fresh air when it comes to engaging with clients who want to make a bunch of changes and request for changes and ask for timely updates and status updates and so forth. One of the things that I truly appreciate was being able to have all of this under one umbrella while making it very easy to use for both myself and my clients is practically priceless. It gets out of my way and makes it easier for the client to engage and leave feedback on sites that I've done for them. Best of all, my guests can collaborate without registration! Which many appreciate.

One of the things that I thought was going to be a limitation was having a coming soon page and not being able to give access to the clients but what Vizio has a solution for that which is to allow screenshot uploads that the users can comment on which is incredible and a much needed feature that I realized I never knew I needed until it happened in my situation. They also support freaking .pdf and .psd formats (adobe/photoshop) which is super helpful for sharing design work at an early stage for wireframing.

Some things that I also look at is, do I get the help that I need and so far I can say absolutely yes the team has been very responsive when it comes to my inquiries and questions and when I don't know how to do something or something's acting funny. I've been using this platform for just over a year and I've seen a massive amount of improvements. I'm always looking forward to the continuation of the development that they bring and they actually listen to their audience.

Thank you so much for this wonderful and super useful tool as it’s in my need to have an arsenal that I use on a regular basis.
