I apologize for any inconvenience caused. To address the issue you're experiencing while connecting to the site, please email raj@wp-stack.co from your registered email address. Alternatively, you can use the "Need Help?" bar located on the side of your dashboard to report the issue. Here's a screenshot https://share.cleanshot.com/9xvgRy8m for reference.
I have been looking at some of the low reviews and no response to them is a big red flag for me, probably for a lot of people. I think a lot of us are waiting for responses to them before we pull the trigger.
We haven't yet considered the possibility of users being able to post to Evernote or having support for RTF files. Both of these features seem like interesting add-ons. Could you please kindly request this feature to be added to our roadmap? You can submit your suggestion at the following link: https://roadmap.wp-stack.co/
Appreciate your suggestion for implementing update scheduling. We will definitely take this into consideration for our scheduler features and prioritize its development. Our skilled developers will promptly work on it and ensure timely release.
Q: Website down!
Hey whats happen to wpstack?? Website is down, fb group cant post anything! No reponse from you! It Looks like get money and rum away!
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Q: I can't connect ANY of my sites AND the help link does not work.
How do I get support?
May 15, 2024A: Hey there!
I apologize for any inconvenience caused. To address the issue you're experiencing while connecting to the site, please email raj@wp-stack.co from your registered email address. Alternatively, you can use the "Need Help?" bar located on the side of your dashboard to report the issue. Here's a screenshot https://share.cleanshot.com/9xvgRy8m for reference.
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Q: I am very much on the fence with this.
I have been looking at some of the low reviews and no response to them is a big red flag for me, probably for a lot of people. I think a lot of us are waiting for responses to them before we pull the trigger.
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Ok, so I did not pull the trigger on this! Not even for the 60-day refund period for one reason only, the founder did not respond to the low reviews.
Q: Hi, any plans to be able to post from Evernote?
Also, RTF files.
Thanks and all the best!
May 15, 2024A: Hello,
We haven't yet considered the possibility of users being able to post to Evernote or having support for RTF files. Both of these features seem like interesting add-ons. Could you please kindly request this feature to be added to our roadmap? You can submit your suggestion at the following link: https://roadmap.wp-stack.co/
Thank you for your time and support.
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Q: Can my automated plugin updating be completed relative to the plugin's update recency?
For example, automatically update every plugin 5 days after its latest release.
May 14, 2024A: Hey there,
Appreciate your suggestion for implementing update scheduling. We will definitely take this into consideration for our scheduler features and prioritize its development. Our skilled developers will promptly work on it and ensure timely release.
Thank you for your input!
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So confirming that it *will* be available before end of 2023?