Zylvie - High-Converting Cart Software

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Q: I'm in Europe, want to charge in USD, getting error. Also - multiple currencies?

Hi I'm in Europe and I want to sell in USD. When I set up the products and went to verify the checkout, I got an error message (below). I use Stripe.
I can't figure out how to fix it.

Also, how do we set up multiple currencies? Ideally region-based? Would that fix the issue?

Thank you. Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to using it!
500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, the server encountered the following error:

Request req_ZpQ3Toz6aevwJP: The currency provided (usd) is invalid for one or more payment method types on this PaymentIntent. The payment method type klarna only supports the following currencies: eur, dkk, gbp, nok, sek, czk, ron, pln, chf. Either correct the provided currency, or use a different PaymentIntent to accept this payment method type.
Traceback: <traceback object at 0x7f4a201a5b80>

SarahSparkPLUSEdited Dec 19, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 19, 2024

A: Hi Sarah,

The error is caused by enabling Klarna for USD products.

As the error says:

"The payment method type klarna only supports the following currencies: eur, dkk, gbp, nok, sek, czk, ron, pln, chf."

USD isn't listed, so all you have to do is to go to your Settings > Preferences > Payment Methods > (disable) Klarna, Save Changes, and the error should go away.

With thanks,

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