Agency Handy Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 88 questions

Q: Workspace Limits Clarification

Good day! Hi Agency Handy team,

How can we use Workspaces?
That is: How are workspaces organized per client or per groups of clients?
Can we use/organize ONE workspace for multiple client companies? (Where they won't see all files/projects within a workspace).
Or will it be 1 client company/group per workspace (And everyone in a workspace can see everything)?

Thank you! ~Lorgen

ShadounessPLUSMar 17, 2025
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Q: White label not included in Tier 1?

As a freelancer I would have liked the platform with white label in Tier 1 for a better impression with customers,

tonyhhallEdited Mar 3, 2025
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Mar 3, 2025

A: Don't think we will be able to provide it in T1. Trying to see if we can do it in T2


Q: Internal and customers notification for yearly renew contracts

1) For yearly renew contracts, is it possibile to send agency internal notification X days in advance? Is it possibile to send the notification (with a custom template) directly to the customer? i.e. domain renewal or yearly maintenance plan. Avoiding having to discontinue the service because the customer did not pay on time.

Useful also turn on/off the customer notification (low ticket service = auto notify, hi ticket service we prefer contact customer directly) Have you thought about this kind of notification?

2) Do you have a roadmap/changelog of future developments?
3) How does the ticketing part work? ideally, we would create tickets by hooking up a custom e-mail address of our own, example so that we can invite customers to send requests to this specific address.

mattia33Mar 15, 2025
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Mar 15, 2025

A: Yeah you can send custom reminders for each subscription

Link to our roadmap:

Tickets are now platform dependant as in clients will have to log in and create tickets. We have plans of linking it to emails soon


Q: video project with annotations?

I watched many videos about Agency Handy but I didn't see this part discussed.

As an agency, if we're sending a video production draft to the customer to review and provide feedback, do we have the option to allow the customer to draw on the video or add annotations with comments?


jt241130PLUSMar 12, 2025
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Mar 12, 2025

A: Yeah you can do it. When you upload a video it'll have an option to add annotation in the file feedback section in tasks


Q: Is it possible to have multiple payout accounts?

Like connect different stripe accounts for payouts to go different places depending on the customer?

smartmarketinggroupPLUSMar 14, 2025
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Mar 14, 2025

A: Not in the same workspace but you can connect different ones in different workspace


Q: I would use it as a freelancer BUT

I have whmcs for my agency and it works perfectly. It was one time payment long time ago. I would consider the switch if white label and custom domain would be in T2 at least.. T3 is to much for a freelancer and yet unusable without my domain and white labeling..

info0340cPLUSMar 13, 2025
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Mar 13, 2025

A: Understandable if you have something and works fine already


Q: Whmcs vs agency handy

Hiw is this diferennt from using whmcs. I use whmcs for haoting services and I need to offer graphic design services and have been thinking I could use whmcs for that. Also on the fence to purchase this what is the diference ?

KudaOnlineMar 12, 2025
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Mar 13, 2025

A: From the one look, I'd say the whole catalog, onboarding with forms, subscription management might be different atleast. I don't have a doc ready now as a full comparison


Q: will i be able to resell it to others. after white labelling?

102120481548261769155Mar 13, 2025
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Mar 13, 2025

A: Nope. Whitelabeling is for your use case to your clients


Q: Ticket Support Web Clients

1. I want to add a ticket support system for my website clients who request support, updates, etc. Could I embed this system as an embedded or link to my website so I can receive support and receive requests? At this stage, they may not have a user account.

2. Can custom fields be added to the Ticket system?

mhelePLUSMar 12, 2025
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Mar 12, 2025

A: Currently No. How do we identify who requested this ticket?

But if it's relate to survey, yes you can. You cam embed that too.

Adding custom field is in our roadmap. We have to implement it everywhere such as ticket, task, order, proposal. We will do it next quarter. you can check our roadmap.


Q: Mollie + more

Will you add Mollie as PSP?

The Netherlands require you to have the following on the invoice:
- your VAT identification number
This is the number with 'NL' in front of it. For fiscal units, state the VAT identification number of the component that provides the service.
- if you are registered with the Chamber of Commerce: your Chamber of Commerce number
the date on which the invoice was issued
- Use consecutive numbers for your invoices, with 1 or more series. Each invoice number may only appear once.

How is your software handling this?

sales011Feb 25, 2025
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Feb 25, 2025

A: We did not get enough request about mollie yet.
Vat can be added through our customize invoice template.
We are not familiar with other two requirements. However, We believe our customize field option can serve the purpose. I would suggest you to closely work with our support team so that we can iterate it faster.
Yes, we have invoice number.


Q: Can 1 client have pluriel products?

I need it to be like a client can login and see his products.
Each different client has his own 'membership'.
Is that possible with your software?

fagimyMar 2, 2025
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Mar 2, 2025

A: Can you tell a bit about the product and what you want the clients to do in the platform?


Q: Subscriptions, affiliate programme and workspace.

Hi there,
I am a online teacher, freelancer consultant and content creator and as i find this app interesting for my needs I have 3 questions please.
1- I was interested between Tier 1 or Tier 2, however none of these have workspace.
What is the purpose of the workspace? do I need it? I want to use the platform to sell my freelance services, courses and generate invoices and possibly do my books for self employment taxes.
2- I was wondering if there is the possibility to create affiliate programme for our customers, so that when they sell a product they receive a commission
3- Is it possible to sell subscriptions?

101852478238963978540Mar 3, 2025
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Mar 3, 2025

A: 1. Every tier has one workspace. T3 onwards just have multiple and you can setup your domain and branding. That's difference

2. Affiliate management hasn't been developed yet due to lack of demand from users because it has been in our roadmap from start. We will develop it at some point in Q2

3. Yes it is


Q: Things I would like to know

1. Is it possible to add a field, such as one for the client's birthday or other additional information, in the clients' section?

2. Is there any way to change the type of question (e.g., from multiple choice to radio button) without having to recreate it?
3. Can I add a section for explanatory notes to provide more details?
4. Can I divide forms into sections or pages so that questions are more progressive and do not overwhelm the user?

Services Section:
5. How can I add free services where clients receive a product at no cost, while also using it to conduct a survey?

Role Permissions:
6. How can I have more control over role permissions to prevent certain employees from accessing sensitive features or information (such as the services I offer and their prices), as well as limit what the client is allowed to see?

ArdiziPLUSMar 8, 2025
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Mar 12, 2025

A: Hey, apologies for the late reply. This somehow slipped.

1. We are planning on bringing custom fields which will let you do this but it isn't available right now.

2. You will have to delete that section and create a new one.

3. Yeah you can just add a section for small paragraph in the end and ask for any additional info

4. We are working on a section and page break now. Once it is live then you will be able to do it

5. You will have put in a pricing but we are bringing a 100% coupon code. You can let clients use a free trial version

6. We don't have any immediate plans of making the role permissions custom. You can just keep them as employee/assignee and they will only get to access to tasks. Only admins have access to service, price, clients etc. Client access control will come in near future


Q: sending mails from the platform

Hi, i have bought tier I and trying it out but is it correct that if i want to sent a mail to a client i need to by at least tier III i.e. more than 400 euro? That sounds a bit can someone run an agency with tier I or tier II if you cannot even mail a client?

meertsPLUSMar 9, 2025
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Mar 9, 2025

A: As our emails are mostly notification and reminders, you can send them but it won't be sent from your email


Q: What is the image size required.

What image size is required for each package we offer, particularly for the client's purchase of our product or service?

gr8laborpros+appsumoPLUSMar 11, 2025
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Mar 11, 2025

A: 5 MB file size. 16:9 ratio


Q: Catalog of services

Will I still be able to create a catalog of services and take orders directly from clients as proposed in the description ?

PrinsEdited Mar 11, 2025
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Mar 11, 2025

A: Yes you can do this


Q: Get Tier 3 and split with others

An user posted this: "I decided to go with T3 because I was looking for a solution for both myself and my husband. I learned that each workspace can have its own email, domain, and Stripe account connected so it's a 2-for-1 or even 3. We can each add 4 team members in addition to ourselves."
From this I understand that Tier 3 allow to have 5 different workspaces with relative custom domains and custom emails.

I think many people love this software potential, however how I can see from previous comments, many soloprenours cannot utilise in full tier 3.

I was wondering, what is your opinion if few people purchase Tier 3, splitting the cost, assigning workspaces, and fully utilizing the platform. I think it could be a solution for you to get all of us onboard. Please let me know.

101852478238963978540Edited Mar 11, 2025
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Mar 11, 2025

A: We don't want people sharing their credentials as that is the only way to do so. There will always be one super admin who has Access to every account and that's a huge violation of personal info. We really don't want you to do this at all.


Q: Coupon System

Do you have a coupon system that allows clients to enter coupon code on making purchases?

d75320757f7b4c84831ccea28689cb06PLUSMar 10, 2025
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Mar 11, 2025

A: Yes, we have coupon system & it's very dynamic. :)


Q: Workspaces

I'm interested, but it is a weird thing to go from 0 workspaces on T2 to 5 workspaces on T3. As a solopreneur I only need 1 and I ideally don't want to pay for 5 to get the privilege of a domain/whitelabel.

If you were to bring 1-2 workspace to T2 (which brings with it the domain, WL and email), then I will definitely purchase the deal and give it a try. As it is now, I see T3 as an overkill for the price - paying extra for the workspaces I don't need.

There will be many solopreneur's in my position on Appsumo. Furthermore, you said in another comment that workspaces cost you - so it makes even more sense to have a plan with fewer than 5 workspaces for those who don't need that many and lower your costs at the same time.

14d4ba28f26e4c929b299ca7a7d4d72fPLUSEdited Feb 24, 2025
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Feb 24, 2025

A: I hear you. It's just a decision we made to keep the custom domain bit on the higher price points. I'll see if anything can still be done but not sure


Q: On the edge...

I really want to purchase this. I did the free trial and have enjoyed the software. It has allowed me to cancel other software for the purpose of buying this as an all-in-one. BUT...the structure of the plans is very effy. A lot like others have said, I don't need all those "users" in tier 2 or 3...maybe 3 users at most. I would prefer the extra workspace and emails in substitution for the user's. Can this be customized if I purchase tier 3? The 10 users is very excessive for my company.

mzkhandyPLUSMar 10, 2025
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Mar 10, 2025

A: You are buying tier 3 and you want to limit the user length within 3?

tier 3 already support the white label
