Hahaha. That wasn't the point. The point was that its disappointing to see so many questions not answered. Usually, that's a bad sign. I hope I'm wrong.
Rafal remains available via their support line, so do not hesitate. As a maker, when a campaign is ended, you can keep the AS support thread opened, you can't multiply the support channels, you need to focus on the *official* one.
Q: Hi guys
I ordered Tier 2 and love your product and wanted to add Tier 3, but now it is too late.
Any change ot do so please let me know and keep pusing I am a fan and love to share a review with you guys.
Communicate with multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, several African and Caribbean languages)? 2. Refer clients to related FAQ Link/ Page or knowledge hub in non-urgent cases? 3. Notify/ Transfer clients to hotline manager/ live agent in urgent/crisis cases?
ai and then you video avatars? They cost just 20 cent per minute have this really cool AI face emotion tracking feature that feels like you're speaking to a human.
Q: Was seriously considering this..
However, I see that questions are no longer being answered.
May 14, 2024A: Hi there,
thanks for getting in touch!
The offer is sold out, so purchases are no longer possible.
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Hahaha. That wasn't the point. The point was that its disappointing to see so many questions not answered. Usually, that's a bad sign. I hope I'm wrong.
Rafal remains available via their support line, so do not hesitate. As a maker, when a campaign is ended, you can keep the AS support thread opened, you can't multiply the support channels, you need to focus on the *official* one.
Q: Hi guys I ordered Tier 2 and love your product and wanted to add Tier 3, but now it is too late.
Any change ot do so please let me know and keep pusing I am a fan and love to share a review with you guys.
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Q: I asked your chatbot on your website if a google document can be used as a source for information and it said yes.
I purchased the deal and tried to paste the link to the Google Docuemtn and it says that Google Docs are not supported. Why is this?
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Q: Hi there, can Chatwith do the following: 1.
Communicate with multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, several African and Caribbean languages)?
2. Refer clients to related FAQ Link/ Page or knowledge hub in non-urgent cases?
3. Notify/ Transfer clients to hotline manager/ live agent in urgent/crisis cases?
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Q: Why don't you integrate with yepic.
ai and then you video avatars? They cost just 20 cent per minute have this really cool AI face emotion tracking feature that feels like you're speaking to a human.
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