Q: Hi Jason,
I try to use your solution and paid for my first campaign...
And this since morning nothing start... I try to contact the support... no email you have only chat... and after more then 6 hours still no answer. I start to really worried for my money... It's not really serious I hope it's not a scam. So can you have a real customer services please ?
Yes! found.ee works well for agencies. To learn about managing different accounts in found.ee, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbCwFu4PdpQ.
You can also email us at cs@thefoundgroup.com and we can answer any questions.
Can you tell me which German pages are incorporated in your premium websites and can I create a campaign only using those or choosing individuals from them (e.g. all German sites in a specific industry)?
We aggregate the largest websites by traffic in each category, so there may be some German sites. But more importantly when you set up a campaign you pick a geotarget, so we'll always target visitors from a particular country, city or postal code.
Q: After I run a campaign do I get a list of placements?
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Q: Hi Jason, I try to use your solution and paid for my first campaign...
And this since morning nothing start... I try to contact the support... no email you have only chat... and after more then 6 hours still no answer.
I start to really worried for my money...
It's not really serious I hope it's not a scam.
So can you have a real customer services please ?
Best regards,
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Q: I'm not really sure why the sumolink reviewers keep giving Foundee 5 stars based on the looks of the tool and ...
the secondary feature of short linking.
But very few actually talk about using the tool and measuring CONVERSIONS.
In case anybody is confused, this is a tool to run ads and MAKE MONEY from these ads.
it's not supposed to be a piece of art.
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Q: Hi, This is pretty awesome.
Thank you.
How exactly do we use the multiple account management?
Are we able to use this to work with clients?
May 15, 2024A: Hi Sumo-ling,
Yes! found.ee works well for agencies. To learn about managing different accounts in found.ee, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbCwFu4PdpQ.
You can also email us at cs@thefoundgroup.com and we can answer any questions.
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Q: Hi, I am an interested customer from Germany.
Can you tell me which German pages are incorporated in your premium websites and can I create a campaign only using those or choosing individuals from them (e.g. all German sites in a specific industry)?
Thank you for answering!
Kind regards,
May 15, 2024A: Hi t-loeffler,
We aggregate the largest websites by traffic in each category, so there may be some German sites. But more importantly when you set up a campaign you pick a geotarget, so we'll always target visitors from a particular country, city or postal code.
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