36 reviews|Product detailsSearchSort by:Latest replyShowing 1 - 20 of 157 questionsQ: Do you have or plan to have any support group on Facebook Discord or elsewhere❓Jack.SPLUSDec 8, 2023See detailCommentShareShare heylogin Helpful?1Log in to join the conversationLog inQ: 🤔 U2F I miss the added security of Yubikey🔑Jack.SPLUSMay 20, 2023See detailComment (2)ShareShare heylogin Helpful?1Log in to join the conversationLog inJack.SPLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jun 1, 2023🤔Josh_PLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jun 15, 2023Security Keys (Yubikey), Touch ID and Windows Hello have been added, you can find it in the settings https://heylogin.app/settings/devicesQ: What about further development❓ What are the plans❓Jack.SPLUSApr 1, 2023See detailComment (1)ShareShare heylogin Helpful?1Log in to join the conversationLog inJosh_PLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jun 15, 2023There are several beta features that you can activate and opt in to https://heylogin.app/settings/betaQ: Hello there!Any plans for a rerun?Thanks!qtMar 31, 2023See detailComment (1)ShareShare heylogin Helpful?5Log in to join the conversationLog incarlosticoPLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jul 15, 2023Nothing yet ?Q: Is there a public roadmap and feedback portal?I miss better communication.Users are more likely to give their ideas inspiration for development.Jack.SPLUSSep 27, 2022See detailCommentShareShare heylogin Helpful?4Log in to join the conversationLog inPrevious12345678Next
Q: Do you have or plan to have any support group on Facebook Discord or elsewhere❓
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Q: 🤔 U2F I miss the added security of Yubikey🔑
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Verified purchaser
Verified purchaser
Security Keys (Yubikey), Touch ID and Windows Hello have been added, you can find it in the settings https://heylogin.app/settings/devices
Q: What about further development❓ What are the plans❓
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Verified purchaser
There are several beta features that you can activate and opt in to https://heylogin.app/settings/beta
Q: Hello there!
Any plans for a rerun?
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Verified purchaser
Nothing yet ?
Q: Is there a public roadmap and feedback portal?
I miss better communication.
Users are more likely to give their ideas inspiration for development.
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