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KonnectzIT is an easy automation platform that will let you to automate your daily, manual, repetitive tasks and save time, money & effort
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Q: There are too few triggers or actions in the app.
For example, there is no action in teachable .
convertkit doesn't have any triggers
Is there a reason?
In the case of teachable, for example, registering a student or creating an account with an action is an essential part.
In the case of convertkit, creating a subscriber or subscribing to a form is essential as a trigger action.
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Q: please help me.
i can not get this up and running
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Q: Any support planned for FileMaker?
May 15, 2024A: Hi,
Thanks for your interest in KonnectzIT, here is our public roadmap Please add/upvote your favorite apps here in our roadmap it will make our team job easy to priorities the same. Let me know if you need additional info will be happy to help.
Rakesh Mahesh
Co-Founder KonnectzIT
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Q: Can you tell me the interval / update time for new data?
Also, with the price being grandfathered in for early adopters, is it possible for us to add more tasks at the grandfathered price? (ie. I purchase 10 codes / 40,000 tasks now, after the deal is gone and 1 year has passed, can I increase my renewal to 15 codes / 60,000 tasks @ $24 each?).
May 15, 2024A: Hi MsV,
Thanks for your interest in KonnectzIT, the official time Interval is 5 Mins for the pro plan usually the triggers are instantaneous and actions take place at 2min interval. The price is grandfathered for only the code purchased not applicable for future purchases.
Rakesh Mahesh
Co-Founder KonnectzIT
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Q: I purchased 2 codes.
My question is...I would ideally want to have a developer do some integrations for me. Is there a way I can add another user to my Konnectzit account?
May 15, 2024A: Hi kapil,
You could able to do the same in the team plan(which is about to release). all pro accounts are individual accounts, basically, you have to upgrade the team plan to add team members.
Rakesh Mahesh
Co-Founder KonnectzIT
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