I'm facing a discrepancies between the timer and logged time. My employee's timer showed 7 hours of logged time. However, upon stopping the timer, the logged time immediately changed to 5 hours.
The activity timeline and logs confirm 5 hours, but the employee says they worked 7 hours and relies on the timer's display as evidence. This discrepancy has occurred multiple times.
Could you please clarify what might be causing this repeated issue? Should we trust the timer or the activity logs in these cases?
A: We also have a mobile application for GPS location tracking https://trackabi.com/gps-time-clock-mobile-application. It can be used to review some data such as insights. The web version works fine on mobile as well, especially on tablets.
That would require manually monitoring every hour and person. A better idea would be for the app to automatically track the hours workers spend on the construction site through the GPS function.
The initial goal was to monitor delivery agents and other people going somewhere during working hours. Your case is just different. We will work on it a bit later.
Q: how often will the screenshots stay in the system?
Q: Time Discrepancy
I'm facing a discrepancies between the timer and logged time. My employee's timer showed 7 hours of logged time. However, upon stopping the timer, the logged time immediately changed to 5 hours.
The activity timeline and logs confirm 5 hours, but the employee says they worked 7 hours and relies on the timer's display as evidence. This discrepancy has occurred multiple times.
Could you please clarify what might be causing this repeated issue? Should we trust the timer or the activity logs in these cases?
More details in Ticket No. 477860 (no reply yet!)
Jan 28, 2025A: We are checking the data. We will follow up in the ticket shortly.
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Q: Accessibility
Is Trackabi desktop-accessible only?
Edited Jan 28, 2025A: We also have a mobile application for GPS location tracking https://trackabi.com/gps-time-clock-mobile-application. It can be used to review some data such as insights. The web version works fine on mobile as well, especially on tablets.
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Verified purchaser
Thanks for your response. My main question is whether the software is cloud-based in addition to desktop-based. Thanks.
Yes, it's cloud-based.
Q: GPS control
For a construction site, is it possible to use the GPS function to track the hours a worker has been present on-site?
Jan 18, 2025A: It's possible to track routes while tracking time. Thus you can see if people are within the site area during their working hours.
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That would require manually monitoring every hour and person. A better idea would be for the app to automatically track the hours workers spend on the construction site through the GPS function.
The initial goal was to monitor delivery agents and other people going somewhere during working hours. Your case is just different. We will work on it a bit later.
Q: how often will the screenshots stay in the system?
Jan 17, 2025A: If you mean for how long, the retention period is 60 days for AppSumo users.
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Q: I have the trail account, how do I redeem my purchases?
Jan 16, 2025A: Please send the codes you purchased to our support team https://trackabi.com/help/ticket/new
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Verified purchaser
sent! is the limit 200? or can you go beyond 200?
So far there is no limit.