Mini Course Generator

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Member since: Aug 2014Deals bought: 226
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 12, 2024

Good One. Can Create Quick Lead Magnets with this.

It is a very fast and efficient course creation tool, reducing my time and effort. The AI suggestions for titles, outlines, and images significantly improved my course. Utilizing quiz cards and completion cards can be a fantastic strategy for boosting learner engagement. It can be used with LMS tools and inside membership sites as well. The editor screen allows me to make additions and changes to AI-generated mini-courses for finalizing.

There are a few CONS though.

Read my Full Review:


User-friendly interface: The platform is user-friendly, allowing creators to design courses with minimal technical skills.

Password-less access: It provides diverse access options, like open access without login barriers or exclusive in-app authentication.

AI Assistance: AI-generated content and images streamline the course creation process.

Flexible Branding: It enables me to customize elements such as logos, color schemes, fonts, and overall design to ensure that my courses reflect my brand’s aesthetic.

Video Uploads and Storage: It provides various options for incorporating media files, including images, videos, and PDFs, into my mini-courses.

Payment Gateway Integration: It enables users to monetize their content by charging for accessing courses.

Effective Lead Generation: It creates valuable courses and also gathers email addresses for potential future leads.

User Analytics: Detailed data on views, engagements, and user activity for each mini-course empower informed decision-making.

Read my Full Review:

Founder Team


Jun 12, 2024

Thanks for the review and for the time you devoted to prepare a comprehensive analysis.
We keep working for the next steps.
We wish you the best
