Nectios Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 59 questions

Q: I have a few questions about Nectios.

1. Is it possible to embed videos, rather than uploading them directly into Nectios? Since storage is limited, I'd prefer to upload any videos recorded from the collaborations done in Nectios somewhere else, and then just embed those videos into Nectios. This would be a useful option, since I'd rather save up my storage for the community to use, and avoid uploading large files (such as videos) directly into Nectios. As long as embedded videos are displayed correctly on Nectios, sharing video content on the community page would be pretty easy and efficient.

2. Are you planning to provide some English instructions on how to use Nectios? Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish, even though I wish I did. So, it would help if there were at least some tutorials in English.

Thank you

Opal13241Apr 22, 2023
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Q: I have a question and I hope you answer it here, Do you have an application or are you developing it?

Will it cost to be so?

Are there event notifications and comments?

For the events, can I add a link to any other webinar application?

felixag1051Apr 18, 2023
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Q: Hello, I have bought several codes and I have somewhat figured out how to do many things, but I have asked ...

support for help with some bugs and questions and have not gotten an answer in over a week, since March 27

Can someone help me?

I really like the potential of your system but there are some bugs that really need to be fixed otherwise it will need to be refunded

omar18PLUSApr 5, 2023
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Q: can i get access to the demo.

I did purchase however to see the full potential of the application I need to configure a lot of parameters.

7c8be802e4b94a8287b1be00f350732cPLUSApr 5, 2023
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Q: I have bought your tool and have a few questions: - What counts as a sub-community?

Only spaces created with the sub-community feature or also spaces generated for courses and projects? Can I have, for example, 2 sections with 5 courses each?
- I read somewhere that you can add „lessons and quizzes“ in the courses, where can I add these?
- I’d be happy to contribute to the German translation. Is there any way I can help?

Saskia95167Mar 31, 2023
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