1. Tier 1 has Unified inbox and Account rotation, but it can only connect one account?
2. Do you plan to scrape more data from profiles, to create more advanced customization messages? (For example refering to an older work position, etc).
3. Does it also scrape the posts of contacts? (Better customization).
4. SalesNav allows to import 2500 contacts per day, while the normal account also allows 250 daily import. what is the limit you have set?
5. Do you have a chrome extension for quick importation, and that also displays the info about the profile (tags)
6. Can I choose between cloud and local browser?
7. If I use my account with your proxy while, at the same time, I use salesnav: problem?
8. Can we do boolean searches on imported contacts?
A: 1) Yes, if you need more accounts you can get a higher tier 2) We are planning to add more in but there is only so much we can scrape safely, currently you get all their active information, which is almost always more relevant 3) yes, you get their most recent post 4) You can import 2500 at a time 5) we do have an extension where you can import contacts. It just adds them to Prosp where you can add tags - we are planning to make the extension more comprehensive 6) The system runs fully in the cloud but you can connect the account using cookies locally or the credentials 7) No, almost all of our users do this and is not an issue 8) Not sure I understand the question? You mean once you have imported them into Prosp you then want to do boolean search on them? Currently our search is equal, contains... 9) Yes, you get their email / phone number listed on their linkedin profile
I’ve seen tools like this come and go. In the beginning they get praised, but then eventually users begin posting that LI recognizes that a bot/automation is being used. Accounts are put in LI jail. How does your tool keep this from happening? Thx!
Hello, I just bought T3 for 10 LinkedIn accounts. If I buy another T3, I will get 20 accounts in the same workspaces. Can I be added to another workspace?
AI Voice replication sounds great. - is the voice entirely AI generated or like a Hybride AI version only replacing certain variables (Name, Company Name, Job Title,...) - is there a way to also prompt the voice text first, so it actually addresses posts of the prospect within the voice note?
A: It is entirely AI generated so you can customise the entire message, not just name / company name etc. e.g. you could compliment someone's post! - also when you just sub out the name it ends up sounding really weird as the AI does not match the tone
Yes there is, you can reference their recent post using an AI prompt
Q: White label
From which plan will it be possible to acquire the white label?
Mar 23, 2025A: white label will be available only on T3
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Q: Questions, thank you!
1. Tier 1 has Unified inbox and Account rotation, but it can only connect one account?
2. Do you plan to scrape more data from profiles, to create more advanced customization messages? (For example refering to an older work position, etc).
3. Does it also scrape the posts of contacts? (Better customization).
4. SalesNav allows to import 2500 contacts per day, while the normal account also allows 250 daily import. what is the limit you have set?
5. Do you have a chrome extension for quick importation, and that also displays the info about the profile (tags)
6. Can I choose between cloud and local browser?
7. If I use my account with your proxy while, at the same time, I use salesnav: problem?
8. Can we do boolean searches on imported contacts?
9. Will email and phone scraping be included?
Mar 23, 2025A: 1) Yes, if you need more accounts you can get a higher tier
2) We are planning to add more in but there is only so much we can scrape safely, currently you get all their active information, which is almost always more relevant
3) yes, you get their most recent post
4) You can import 2500 at a time
5) we do have an extension where you can import contacts. It just adds them to Prosp where you can add tags - we are planning to make the extension more comprehensive
6) The system runs fully in the cloud but you can connect the account using cookies locally or the credentials
7) No, almost all of our users do this and is not an issue
8) Not sure I understand the question? You mean once you have imported them into Prosp you then want to do boolean search on them? Currently our search is equal, contains...
9) Yes, you get their email / phone number listed on their linkedin profile
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Q: LinkedIn anti-block features?
I’ve seen tools like this come and go. In the beginning they get praised, but then eventually users begin posting that LI recognizes that a bot/automation is being used. Accounts are put in LI jail. How does your tool keep this from happening? Thx!
Mar 23, 2025A: We have had users for over a year without any issues.
We use residential proxies, sending limits and advance randomization to mimic human behaviour :)
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Q: 20 accounts
Hello, I just bought T3 for 10 LinkedIn accounts. If I buy another T3, I will get 20 accounts in the same workspaces. Can I be added to another workspace?
Mar 23, 2025A: the accounts would be under two different workspaces if you got another T3
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Q: AI Voice Replica
Hi there,
AI Voice replication sounds great.
- is the voice entirely AI generated or like a Hybride AI version only replacing certain variables (Name, Company Name, Job Title,...)
- is there a way to also prompt the voice text first, so it actually addresses posts of the prospect within the voice note?
Mar 23, 2025A: It is entirely AI generated so you can customise the entire message, not just name / company name etc.
e.g. you could compliment someone's post!
- also when you just sub out the name it ends up sounding really weird as the AI does not match the tone
Yes there is, you can reference their recent post using an AI prompt
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