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Hello, I was trying the demo and all the options are perfect except that, both in rss and in...

Hello, I was trying the demo and all the options are perfect except that, both in rss and in uploading a csv file, I get error in the webp images. As it is a web site (and google loves webp images) I have 90% of my images in this format. Is there any way to make your program accept this option? And the other question is if I want to change dates of scheduled posts massively can it be done? Thanks

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    Craig_SociamonialsFounder team
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    I'm glad you like the software! At this moment, we only support webp in our Publisher. I've asked the dev team to add support for bulk imports and RSS too. That should be live in a couple days.

    Regarding massive changes of scheduled posts, we have a Bulk Queue Editor that applies edits to hundreds of your posts at once and has many filtering options. Changing the send time isn't one of them though. If you expect that to happen a lot, consider using our Queue Scheduling feature to schedule your posts versus a specific time. That way you can just drag send times in your Weekly Schedule around and it will apply those new send times to your entire Queue. Another option, if you uploaded them all via CSV is to use our Bulk Queue Editor to filter for only that batch of posts and delete them. Then upload the CSV again with the new dates.

    Craig_SociamonialsFounder team
    | Member Since:

    We now support WebP image format in our publisher, import CSV, and RSS Feed automation. This a popular image format that most social network APIs do not support. However, we've added a process to convert these into a usable format before sending to the social networks for them to post. This all happens automagically behind the scenes, so you can just add them as you would a jpg or png image.