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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 3Posted: Jun 2, 2024

It’s a great tool at a great price on appsumo.

It’s much better than any other tool and more affordable. I was happy with Neliocontent for Wordpress but when I got a new site, I realized they raised their prices. Neliocontent allows you to schedule posts directly from Wordpress and will repost it at regular intervals.

So I went to search for something else. I tried Feedbird for two months that uses AI and people to create content for you. The first month was satisfactory but then it went downhill fast the second month.

I also tried an agency but it was expensive and they also didn’t understand my product.

I was on appsumo for something else and discovered socialmonials and it was cheap enough to just try. However, it turned out better than all the other options. It’s social posting but because it has an RSS feed, I’m able to do the social posting AND keep up with relevant news in my industry. The relevant news is actually essential for the sales process. I’m able to do posting and learn about new things to post, write blogs about, and share with my clientele.

The engagement increased about 4000% for Facebook and Instagram. For LinkedIn it’s up 420%.

But the best thing was creating original relevant content for my own site related to the product. I sent out an email to cold leads and it had an open rate of 40% in the first hour with 8% CTR and under 1% unsubscribed.

It’s a great tool at a great price on appsumo. I definitely recommend. I don’t understand why these places want us to pay $200 per year or more on just a scheduling tool. It’s not that valuable. To pay a flat rate though for all this is perfect.

Founder Team


Jun 2, 2024

Thanks for sharing your results!
