SocketLabs Cloud Email

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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Mar 2020Deals bought: 121Posted: Aug 13, 2020

Just stacked one more! Excellent Mailigun alternative

I recently switched all our websites from SES and Mailgun to Socketlabs and I'm really happy with the results so far. Compared to these you get a lot more information about deliverability + they have a full blown email marketing suite and are following the footsteps of Sendgrid with their email marketing features.

Not only are you getting 25K emails a month for a one time fee for transactional emails, but you can also use Socketlabs to deliver newsletters via 3rd parties like Platformly or within Socketlabs using the newsletter management app. Awesome value, compare this to Mailchimp prices and it's a steal :)

Support wise Keith has been awesome and helped us setup things when we hit some issues, highly recommend their support team.

Keep up the great work guys look forward to a roadmap and new features in the future :)
